Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Happy New Year!!!!
Whats been cracking?
Christmas has happened, but it wasn't really any Christmas for me. Just an other day home after work, but I did had the day after free which I can't remember spending it.
Any who...
My parents are gonna come 2night. they will arrive abt 10pm and I were supposed to meet up with them and do something, cause it is New years eve 2day by the way, but since I'm working at 10am 2mrrw I thought it was to late. They will come 2mrrw after work instead.
Nothing much has happened. Been working, no social life so far, which I didn't want cause I really had to focus on working. Apparently its the Christmas temps last week this week. Mine is on Saturday.
Hopefully I will get the 7am-12pm shift, since that girl is leaving.
Any way...
Now I'm in my bed just been eating some toasts and hot chocolate. Gonna watch some One Tree Hill now....
Wanted to just write something before the next year hehe..
Speak to you soon.
Over and out.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Song of the day
I just woke up from a fuzzy dream
All my dreams they fade awayI’ll never be the same
You always love me more, miles away
So far away
When no one’s around then I have you here
Too much of no sound
You always love me more, miles away
So far away
I’m alright, don’t be sorry, but it’s true
You always love me more, miles away
You always love me more, miles away
So far away
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Four done One to go
I sometimes loose the track of the days, I just work, get home, sleep and up again for work.
The days and my time at the moment just flows 2gether.
I even forgot that it is in fact Christmas next week. I don't really have any Christmas spirit, maybe cause I'm not going home... My parents are coming and visit me on New Years eve any way =)) We are gonna eat dinner that night, with my friend Nina. I'm working till 8pm I think, but they are coming kind of late..
You know the packet they send me as a Christmas gift?!
I've been waiting for it and thought it Would take some time. But then my mum tells me it has been delivered to the receiver 11Th f December.
1 Week Ago!!!!
Where is my packet? I get very worried now, cause there are some food, a sweater I really wanted that my mum made herself and some xtra Christmas gift they send.
My landlord closed his cafe cause I think he is having an operation, but can't remember when he would be back. If there is any mail and packets you get, he gets first and then puts it on the stairs in the hall.
But since he is not here, since I don't know when, I really wonders who got my packet!
Some1 has it! It said its been signed for and delivered.
Gonna check that 2mrrw.
Any who...
I was supposed to write and tell about all the costumers that we got that I hate.
I really hate people!
No some are really nice.
2day there was one guy that blessed me cause I helped him finding a new pairs of underwear cause he's been told an other price then what it actually was, and he didn't want to stand in the long cue again as he did before, so I helped him to the other one with no line.
I didn't thought it was that big deal, but he said "God bless you"!
An other customer (and I really don't hope my managers or some1 is reading this, which i really doubt) tipped me £5 cause I helped him with some things. I was so suprised and it went so fast. He was very sneaky and fast about it, cause I don't think I am allowed to accept anything from costumers.
I am really trying now not to loose my temper and get rude and angry with the costumers when they are a pain in the ass and just rude to me. before I could give them a little something back, but now I just suck it in and breathe and keep helping them.. don't know why really. Either I really growned, or I actually cares for this job.
I believe you do get your reword at the end if you are a nice person. All that matters is how you are, and don't care about others. That is theirs problem.
Round it up.
Over and out.
Monday, 15 December 2008
One done, four to go!

Sunday, 14 December 2008
Song of the day
Dear Mr. President, Come take a walk with me.
I have No Name or Imagination what so Ever
Over and out.
Saturday, 13 December 2008
One done, One to go!
The weather was horrible. It was raining and windy. I had to hold my umbrella and a huge bag of clothes. Luckily I don't have to far to the laundry.
I bought some food with me that me and Nina could eat. I figured she would be hungry and wanted to be nice and give her a little something after all she been giving me, food wise.
I didn't arrive to late after all.
Now I trying to consider if I should shower now or in the morning..... I any way have to go to bed. And in this writing min I'm downloading some Top Model. Can you imagine?
It really got me to want to become a model. I kind of always had that as a top priority in my life, but it is recently I really had a passion and interest for it. I've been sending photos and my details to some model agencies... so we'll see!
No, I will shower and do my SPA treatments 2mrrw, as I usually do.
I rub all fake tan of. Of my body (which I don't have any at the moment) and my face, putting some face mask on.
Cut an file nails, shave my legs... and so on and so on.
My f*cking Internet doesn't want to work sometimes, and its really frustrating when you are trying to download something that's stops half the way or that is almost finished.
Over and out.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Just sitting in my bed right now waiting to go to work.I woke up early cause I had to watch my hair, and apparently either fixed myself very fast or I woke up To early, cause now I'm having some time on my hands, and what's not better to use that time then pop by and write in my blog!
Its almost weekend again and I'm so exited yet again. Love the weekends. This time I hope I will use it more the the last one. I hope I can pay a visit to Nina's job. ( I love it there. Its quit, no people, I can watch some shows. Ok, maybe I should say what see does so it will draw your picture easier. She works at the Swedish channel 5.
Think I have to round it up yet again so I won't stress my way to work when I Did have allot of time on my hands.
Over and out
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Long time no Read!
I feel I only have one person to apologise to, which is Nina. She actually asked me to update my blog. Yey I have a fan.
Not gonna be the person who says sorry for not writing in a while, I write when I feel like it. but I do prefer to write a little bit every day rather then come back after a few days and have allot to say and catch up.Well whats been happening, what been cracking?
I've been working and it really becomes busy now and I really feel some frustration towards some people. I mean, its Not hard to pick up your stuff after you tared it down, or put back your items if you changed your mind of purchase them.
I don't know, is it?
One day one of the contestants from the show X Factor, which I Do Not follow (I don't have a TV but from other reasons), came to visit our store. She was kind of noticeable. All fixed with allot of make-up, fancy fur-vest, leather pants and high heals. But I didn't know who she was, until my Manager came in the store and asked "Where's the celeb?"
When the "celeb" walked out there were paparazzis outside taking pictures. It was kind of surreal. You know that kind of picture you only see in magazine or in some home-made video when there is a famous person with all the photographers. I thought it was kind of fun to see. But some people can't handle famous people. They scream jump up and down, cry and really trying to get a close up. I will only do that for One person, and one person only.
I love the 2 in the middle best of her all outfits, hehe.
Any who...
Right now I'm in my bed eating, or drinking, soup. I actually bought some food now. Felt I had some money for it. And I started to feel hungry hehe.
I become to feel that for me, buying food is luxury
Can you imagine I have no tea left!? At least not green tea...
2Day my thoughts go out to one of my colleagues who just lost her friend. R.I.P.
Ok, I will round it up.
This week I'm working 12-9pm. Its not to bad actually. As long as I'm not to cold or have a bad headache.
2Day I started to feel pain in me knee tho. I had knee problem since I played football when i was younger. Well well....
Gonna watch some Top Model now, and I have a donut I'm gonna eat =)
Over and Out
Sunday, 7 December 2008
It was sone kind of stue that was very good, and bread she made very easily from scratch.
We talked allot about nothing and everything. She's been travelling allot and told me everything she's been through and done, and all the places she visited. Of course she didn't tell me about all the places she's been in, but enough for me to get very Inspired.
It made me want to do all of those things as well. Just grab your things and get on the road. Backpack in Europe.
I never really gave the backpacking and travelling thing allot of thought in the past, but it sure open my eyes last night.
I really like to walk, whether its power walk or hiking, and she told me about a place in Spain were there is this hiking path you can go. If you walk the whole way it will take you 1 month.
All the food she told me about. I really love food, especially foreign an when you are in an other country.
Lately I noticed I get Inspired from other people allot. Guess I'm getting older hehe, but in a good sense.
I like to see the true meaning of life and make a different. That's why I'm kind if sick of the whole party thing, I guess.
I want to see the world and what it has to offer. Other people, their culture, their food.
I think that's how you end up with your ideas. Allot of it is from especially other people.
You see what people do. You like it and want to do the same thing, but then perform it in your own way.
You see what people are wearing. You like it and want to wear the same thing, but design it to your own.
Maybe I feel I have done my part here in London for now. Of course I think I will stay a bit longer, cause I Do like London and I have a job now, and have to make some more money, but still, the idea of not know where you are going or what you will end up to do is kind of tempting.
To get Inspired from someone or something is not to copy or not have a will of your own.
One of the things is to maybe get to know yourself better, see what kind of abilities You have, see the world and things in an other perspective.
To get Inspired!
Not to Mimic!
That is way Christina Aguilera's new perfume is called Inspire.
She gets Inspired from all kinds of directions in her life. Mostly to her work.
Over and out
Saturday, 6 December 2008
woke up at abt 10am. Took a shower and washed my hair so i felt very fresh. Then I had to see how much money I had on my Swedish bank account and if my dad had transfered (which I will pay back) so I could pay my rent.
So,this is my friend Johanna
She use to be blonde but is now like me =)
Friday, 5 December 2008
Weeeekend =)
This is Me and my best friend Nina at my 21st birthday, which is the 28Th of April.
We ate some very good burgers near her work. And she had bought a little candle that the staff put in the ice cream or what it was we had.
It was sooo sweet and I laughed so much.
Over and out
No more breakfast for me!

Thursday, 4 December 2008

This was one of the first days in London. More then 1 year ago now.
This is during the Kopparberg promotion job
I was once a blond
This is from one of London's nightclubs, Dolce. Look at my then long thick hair.
Me ready for a night out, with less hair hehe.
I Really have No imagination....

America's nex Top Model

Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Boyz II Men - End of the Road

I have No Name

Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Something really real. To me!
I will tell you about my dog Rasmus, A Cavalier king Charles Spaniel. The biggest Love I've ever had, never really realised. But I guess you never know or appreciate what you have until it's gone. But I have always appreciated him, I just find it Very hard to accept the fact he is not around anymore, but i will not say I will never see him again cause I believe I might...
He passed away late summer this year (2008). While I was living here.
He has pretty much always had some kind of problems and sickness, with his heart, paws...
It was about 1 1/5 year ago that we (or my parents that did all the work) took him a lot to the veterinary and he had some kind of operation when my dad sad that we should be prepared that he might not be around for much more... and when I took him for a walk, I started to really think about what our life's would look like and how we would continue living when Ramus would have moved on... I started to cry!
I mean everything you do has something to do with him. Weather you are playing with him, feeding him, going out for a walk, which was a phrase that became a lifestyle "Can you go out with Rasmus?", "They are out with Rasmus", "I'm gonna go for a walk with Rasmus". He was crazy for his walks. Of course, like pretty much every dog, he understood the phrase "Wanna go out"? And he would get on your nerves with his barking. Which of course now, you miss hearing..
That weekend i couldn't care less about anything else. Not the job, the people, my Manager. Plus I still had to drive. I did cry during driving, until I couldn't take it. i had the biggest breakdown and just said "No I can't do this"! This other girl had to take over.
I have always said that i Would come home if that were the case with Rasmus.
When me and my brother got back to London we tried to book a flight home. I was so desperate and panicking that I didn't care about the money nor the time, i just wanted to get home fast. I was so scared I wouldn't make it. It was such a long journey. When we are waiting for the boat to take us to the summer house we have, my mun is calling and saying that Rasmus died that night.
(I am staring to cry, cause it brings back all the feelings I had at that time and moment, which is The worst I have ever been through)
I cried on the boat but was trying to hold it so bad. When we meet our parents it all just break loose. I didn't know what to do, I was going crazy. I slept through the first day, I didn't eat for days (maybe some fruit once in a while), I remember I didn't talk much, if not at all.
One thing I liked with this whole thing, is that for the entire week we were there it was the best weather, and my mum said it hasn't been like this the whole summer. So think of it like this: its raining and cold and windy, Rasmus is very sick and the dog that we know is gone. The day after he dies, it is great weather. I like to see it that Ramsus is fine and really in a better place now. That's how I am trying to still keep it together.
I think that, I Now realise that Rasmus is dead! But at the same time I can not picture a life without him.
It has now been easier for me since I've been living here in London. Don't know where i would have been in mind if I was still at home when it happened. I'm not sure if I will dare to go home again to an empty house....
This was a long version and a long text from a even longer reality, but I actually hope you have energy to read it.
A quicky before work ;)
=P see what I did there?
Here is Nina's blog Read it andweep!
Just had some breakfast, which I was not in the mood for, didn't feel "peckish" for it, yet I am very hungry.. no shit, I'm not eating. I go to bed hungry, which is one of the worst feelings. Like going to bed with the burst to pee. So uncomfortable!
But don't know how many times or much more I can go down there and eat his food for free. Even tho he told me I could come down when ever I wanted, and always asks me if I want tea of coffe when i stop by... But I don't like being in the way and want people do stuff for me, if they haven't offered themselfes. That is way I hardly ever asks for help or favors. It has nothing to do with neither pride or the fact I wanna feel independent.. I think.. I just dont like or want people to basically do stuff for me or clean up My mess.
Any who.... I took half the sandwich and chips I had, and made it for lunch later at work.
Not bad nah? hehe
Trying to upload both images and videos but haven't really learned this just yet.. don't know how I can upload a song or video from youtube that I would like... I can paste the site ay way: It is a swedish girl that won the Idol in 2005, I think. I just got stuck with this song first time I heard it. The first note and I fell i Love!
I know my friend Johanna upload from youtube.. have to ask her. here is her blogspot btw: Read ut and weep!
No i have the burst of going to the toilet... and have to think about the chours, which is going to work (as we say in Sweden when you really have to get going).
Well I get back 2night!
Over and out.
Monday, 1 December 2008
Good evening!
Luckily I have my landlords cafe downstairs. Don't know if I would have made it otherwise... any way...
Now, some quick facts about me:
Name: Rebecca Morner
Age: 21 (28-04-1987)
Live: London, UK
Born: Stockholm, Sweden
Hair: Long brown
Eyes: Blue
Eyelashes: long
Lips: Small pinkish
Height: 5'8 (175 cm)
Shoe size: 6 (39-40)
Nails: Short
Boobs: Small
Ass: Big
one little sister 18
one big brother 24
one half big brother mid 30
and the recently deceased dog Rasmus (which I will get back to)
I moved to London a little more then 1 year ago now (early Sept 2007) with my friend Nina.
I was really fed up and simply bored with what Sweden had to offer, which was nothing.
There was no really fun night life, and Stockholm is supposed to have a very good reputation with what bars and clubs have to offer, but id didn't do anything for me in the end.
There were no opportunities and the life kind of just stood still. I also wanted to meet new people and friends. Here, every person you meet does something that can be good for your career, and can help you in some way.
To make it quick, I first got a job at s.k Mailboxes-etc, which is kind of like the post office, that just was killing me. I sticked for about 7-8 months before I got a promotion job with the Swedish cider kopparberg (I think I would have left it anyway at that time even if I wouldn't have got the promotion job).
Included 8 Swedish people, touring around England and Scotland to promote and sell this product. That was a lot of fun (in the beginning at least). We had great hours (I thought) that was evening and night shifts, and we got to travel and stay for free wherever we staid. I got to learn to drive on the left side, which was terrifying in the beginning.
We made alot of money as well. £500 a week and it was just Thursdays-Sundays.
Don't wanna be to long...there is some details that I will tell you'll later..
But that job finished in August... and I Just got a new job!! So I have not been working for about 3 months. How the hell can one survive for 3 months without a job in this city? One of the most expensive in the world! It git me!
But I got a job at a lingerie branch called La Senza. This is the first job I have ever had that I don't mind going to, basically. Yet, knock knock on wood.
I always have this anxiety when going to work. Never liked working, go up early in the morning and knowing when you get there, you're stuck.
(This is a lot of text)
Any who...
I'm trying to upload some images and pictures, but it won't let me. Its more fun when there is something to look at rather then just a looong text running through.
I might come back 2night again, but I feel I have to round it up.
Now you who don't know me, now know a little more what I am about and where I am from.
Over and out.
Sunday, 30 November 2008
"I never thought I would start writing a blog..."
I have never seen myself or been interested in writing a blog, dispose my life and letting every one know what my outfit for the day is, and really hoping and think someone actually is interested enough to read about My life.
I resently really enjoyed reading others however, but just my friends ones, and people I know. Wich got me to write my own
Any way....
This was just a slow start with a lame and vanilla intruduction. But I'll be back woth more action.