Thursday, 29 January 2009
If you seek Amy
Monday, 26 January 2009
Settled down?
Haven't been able to wright lately, or had the energy. I have been moving my stuff all week, a little every day. I still have one last thing I have to get 2mrrw when I will get my deposit and hand over the key.
2night I actually made 2 turns. Thought I would get the last things on this last turn, with all the sheets and stuff. But Nooo.
My body is so achen. I carried one heavy backpack, my photographer suitcase, one heavy bigger bag with shoes, and my heavy handbag....
any who...
Think I will get back to you later, since I have some much to catch up on and I don't like writing a lot every time.
Now I will grab something to eat, cause I am very hungry, and then go to sleep. Have to go up pretty early 2mrrw.
Over and out.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Song of the day

Don't tell me you're sorry cause you're not
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught
But you put on quite a show
Really had me going
But now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closing
That was quite a show
Very entertaining
But it's over now (but it's over now)
Go on and take a bow
This one is not really special or anything, I just had it in my head all day.
Friday, 16 January 2009
Should I really consider who I want as my support?
Thursday, 15 January 2009
"I'm gonna make it on my own"!
I don't want this stress and stomach ache feeling. That is way I always stay calm and just breathe and thinking everything will be alright.
Now, I barely can't breathe, I'm about to burst into tears, I have this thing in my stomach...
Not enough I don't have a job, I can only pay my rent one more time with my economy, I now have to move out in the following weeks.
My landlord stooped by yesterday and gave all the tenants notice because they are gonna rebuild this house (which is necessary).
I am so lost right now and don't know.... Where will I go?
Fells like I can't even afford to look at a new place. I can't even pay my fucking rent!
I already started packing some stuff so I wont have to do all in the last min. Just the things I don't really use.
Think, every little thing I have to take with me. That is a lot.
How will I cope? Fuck fuck fuck....
But the worst feeling in this I must say, is that I feel and Am so alone in this.
My parents and family is home in Sweden (maybe I should consider moving home...), friends have their jobs, homes and their security and of course their problems...
People can be so blind sometimes, I'm sorry but true.
I really have to deal and fix this on my own.
And I will!!!
"I don't need you or anybody else. I'm gonna make it on my own.
You'll see, you all will see"! - Movie quote.
Feels good to have let it all out.
One goo thing in all this, I got the photograph job!
I am starting 2night. Gonna go to the office at 9pm, then we are heading to the club Maya.
But I think it was kind if trial before they will let me stay... I think, so we will see.
Over and out.
Tuesday, 13 January 2009

I heard this the first time on an Sex and the City episode.
Don't know if I said before, but this photographer job I applied for called me back and wanted me to come in for an interview, and I was supposed to have an email sent to me with details, but I didn't get any.
I emaild them back and applied yet again and I finally got an answer to come in 2day for an interview. So last night I made a test round to see where it was located and how long it takes. I usually do that!
So today had the interview and the job seems allot of fun and you can end up making good money. I just have to wait and see now then.
Afterwards I actually went to Westfiled.
I applied for some more jobs and headed out my CV, and went back to All Saints.
They basically said they would call in the end of this week if anything would come up.
The restaurant job that I also had an interview with called me actually some nights ago and said they would go with someone else with mire experience. Don't know if that is true but I do really appreciate that she called to let me know.
What now...?
Trying to download some Top model but the Internet is so slow.
Tonight I am actually going to Crystal. I was asked by Tatiana to dance there tonight but I wasn't sure if I was ready... maybe some other time. But doing that is good money.
Good money for a short time!
Over and out.
Monday, 12 January 2009

I heard this one from an episode from the OC.
Weekends night out in pictures!
Johannas usuall pic momet of her outfit of the night. I am hiding in the back.
On the but on our way in. The bus and traffic was sooo slow we got so tired.

Our last summer
Just thought to myself how lazy I really am! And i really hate it... I really have a problem with just get on with it, do stuff, get my ass out of the wagon...
My plan was to go to Westfiled today, to check up un the All Saints job I applied for last week. It is better to go back and show that you are really interested in the job. But of course something comes in the way as usual. I set the alarm on 9.30, and I woke up at about 11am. Can't even remember hearing the alarm or that I was turning it off.
But that is not an excuse, Westfiled closes at 10pm weekdays, so I still have time of course. Its just that is raining... so I don't know. Will see if it will clear up.
Any who...
This weekend then...
I went to Dolce this Friday as I said, and 3 words; Same. Old. Shit.
People are rude, don't understand you, I really feel like I am in the wrong place. There are no people like me in there, that I have meet any way...
But I a different in a good way. I would never change myself so I could be more like them or give them what they want.
But the bottom line for the night was that I was accused of my friend Tatianas stolen Blackberry. I just had one thought in mind at that time; Fuck No! So I left, without saying goodbye to anyone.
When i don't want to take shit from anyone, I don't!
I just walk away.
But as I had promise my (more of a) friend Johanna that we would go out Saturday as well, I went out.
We talked and planned on going to a place call Whisky Mist (Aguilera was visiting that place when she was visiting London), but we changed our minds to Dolce actually. I didn't get any answers from the guy we were supposed to go with and Dolce had their closing night so we choosed Dolce.
That night wasn't good either, cause we couldn't find any promoters we knew that was hosting a table. (I really don't like that actually, girls who stand by the tables and get free drinks, I feel very cheap. I so want to have my own money and buy mo own drinks, yet another thing that is different to me and all the other people out).
We also went to Cuckoo where Johanna knew this Prince, which he actually is, who bought us drinks.
I slept at Johanna's and the day after we watched Mamma Mia the movie, which I hadn't seen. And to be honest, it wasn't that good as I thought it would be. I just liked the music and the fact that it was a musical.
Therefor the song of 2day yesterday.
Sometimes when i gear a song fro the first time i either fall in love with it right away or its just another song. This one I really liked.
It's usually the melody and how the people are singing it that makes it special.
Later I will upload the song if this day.
Over and out.
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Song of the day

Saturday, 10 January 2009
Song of the day

Friday, 9 January 2009
It's been about 2months...
... since I've been out, but 2night I Am!
Don't know why I have come around really, but since I don't have a job at the moment (that's right, just for the moment) I thought I could. Have more energy now, and it feels like I already mentioned this 2day... what ever.
I'm going to meet my friend Tatiana at this club Dolce that's closing down.
Maybe I should tell you what I used to do, you know, when I was a regular party person.
One word is enough: Promotion!
I tried to promote all these different nightclubs in London. It was a lot fun, still is I guess.
It can be very dangerous if you don't know what you are doing or learn the business, as it actually is.
The things you get when you promote, is free entrance (girls that is) and free drinks at the table the promoter is hosting. I learned pretty early how it all worked and how people act and behave. I really hate arrogant, rude and bitchy people. Guys and girls! But I sticked with it. As long as I am nice and don't let it all get over my head and think I'm better then any1 else, it was fine.
Why I stooped going out was a mix between that I was really fed up with that kind of people. I just thought I don't need it and want it anymore. At the same time I just got a new job that I really had to focus on and get some money, stay sharp and fresh.
When I did this promotion work in the clubs I stooped drinking.
I was going out every day, apart from Sundays and Tuesdays. Mainly cause I didn't know any good clubs those nights. If I were going out almost every night I couldn't bee drinking every time. So I made a packed with myself; only drink on special occasions, that is Halloween, New years, birthday parties and so on... but that hasn't gone to well. That means I haven't been drinking on any of those times. It didn't really happen Halloween so I wanted to make up for it the next time I was out, which turned out to be the worst of them all.I had a good time and all but I got sooo drunk and one of the mangers, whom I know from the club I was a regular to, asked me to leave cause I was to drunk. But of course I didn't. Actually the owner himself didn't want me to leave so... but I was fed up anyway so I left, when I noticed I lost my Blackberry!!! I actually figured I would be better off without it, but it was all the contacts and nr on it that matter... any who, I kind of slipping way here...
I went out the weekend after that, but it was also after that weekend I had enough.
And during this whole time I've been working, and only working, I haven't been out what so ever. I haven't touched a drink (apart from that Bailyes at Ninas). I Love Bailyes!
There is actually one person I missed from that life.
Tatiana! I will see you 2night.
That was my life more then 2 months ago.
2night it's all coming back! =P (for know any way)
Over and out.
1 Day, 2 Calls
Have been to lazy to write any longer stories. I put up the song of the day last night any way. That doesn't take long hehe.
Whats been cracking?
I've been applying for a lot of jobs. Mostly online. It's easier and most jobs require that.
I spent the night with Nina this Tuesday and we hit Westfield Wednesday. Just looking around and I applied for some jobs. Ok, only 2 what I can recall. All Saints where I really want to work actually, and an other store I don't really remember the name of. Something with "hug bear" or bear hug" any who.
Nina helped me buy some fruits and vegetables. You know cheap at one of these markets. It was very heavy to carry home. Interesting? I know!
Yesterday I spend most of the day applying for jobs, and i actually got a call from a restaurant where they need some1 to promote fr them, selling their food and such outside. It's money any way. So now I'm waiting to meet them. Have an 4pm appointment. Thought I would go to La Senza first and get my P45 or if it is the P46 copy.... but lazy as I am I thought I would go there after the interview. I also got a call from a photo shoot company, or how to say, which supplies people for clubs where they take photos and selling them.. I think. There is any way good money. But they said they would send me an email about the details, cause I'm meeting them Monday, but I haven't got any. It's usually problem with my email since I have 2 underscores which can be confused with just 1!
I just called them but the line is busy.
I borrowed some OC DVDs from Nina which I use as company hehe..
I think I will go out 2night as well!!!
Since I'm not working I have the energy now and Johanna is off this weekend so i thought Why not?
I've been trying to lift and upload this blog with a picture on the top. My dog Rasmus.
Later i will put The song of the day!
Speak soon.
Over and out.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Song of the day