What's cooking good looking?In bed getting ready to sleep, got very tired now. I am watching a Swedish show called Swedish housewife's in Hollywood. It's very entertainment =)

Last night me and Nikki went on a impulsive cinema visit. We saw Four Lions, which was a very funny comedy. We didn't get the story really, but we had a laugh. That will give us about 2h longer life lol.
To day I tried to find fish food, as mine almost is finished. Got so frustrated cause I looked like a mad one in the Internet, but couldn't find any pet shops, and on Sundays almost everything is closed. But me and Nikki went to Poundland, lol, where they actually had some.
We bought some sweets and sat in the park for a while, made a visit to a second hand shop and then bought some takeaway food, mm. Just watched a movie and then I headed out for a walk and a run to Holland Park, second day a row. Well done Rebecca! lol.
So now I'm gonna sleep.
Over and out