Thursday, 28 February 2013

Bed decorations

Our cleaner (in Egypt) made a different shape of animal and what not every day in our room, waiting when we came back each day.

When we were in Egypt I threw my good eating habits away as soon as  we hit land lol. But I can't wait to go back to a functional stomach and body.

First day, bye healthy eating!

Here we go again!

Tomorrow we are at it again! After almost 3 weeks of from the gym we are hitting the weights again.
I done one batch of protein bars so I'm ready =) Give it to me!

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Strawberry smoothie

Today I actually skipped the clinic in the afternoon. I've never done that while I'm at school. I feel bad every time I miss a lesson, but I decided to rest instead as I did not feel well. Sometimes you're allowed ;)
Been laying in bed doing some homework, so it's not been a total waste. But I get tired quickly when I study and read from the computer or papers. I'm school tired already lol.
Did myself a very good smoothie made of strawberries, banana and water. I bought myself a mixer the one day I was back in Sweden and it's been really useful.


One of my favourite dish is sushi! I did not like it before I tried it lol, as most people I guess. It's pretty much raw food on rice and it wasn't appealing to me. But it's bloody brilliant =)
Luckily so is Pernilla's favourite as well (whom I went to Egypt with), and we went to this "little" place in Egypt called Little Budah we heard had a good selection of sushi.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Till next time

Think I will call it a night now.
Talk tomorrow.

Good Night!

I lost count on how many times I sneezed this morning in one go. Been sneezing all day and my face feels itchy and like it's swollen. So yeah a real cold I've got lol.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

You don't love me cause I'm beautiful. I'm beautiful cause you love me!

Back to life. Back to reality!

Got back "home" to Finland like an hour ago after the 11 hour long ferry ride. It's bloody dragging. Thank God Linda had her car with her as we got back an hour earlier then if we would of taken the bus. (Thank you!) I've unpacked and everything so its a real time saver.

Tomorrow it's our week again to be at the clinic and no other lessons so we start at 12.30 Can't wait to sleep a full long night. I slept for a few hours on the boat. I am just so tired, and ill. But I'm Ok! lol.

I still have some more pictures and what not from our trip so maybe tomorrow.

Talk latha.

Over and out

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Good night folks!

I'm saying Good night as I'm getting really tired and I'm going at 6 in the morning tomorrow!

Ok, so I'm home alone and I'm  bored, but love talking to you!

Sharm El Sheikh part 3

Tiran Island

This was our third and last trip we did on our last day. 
Went out with a boat almost all day and stooped at three different places to do some snorkeling. I only did at the first one as I did not feel well and it got cold when the wind kicked in.
This very cute nice guy helped and went diving with us ;)

Sharm El Sheikh part 2

Glass bottom boat

Pretty much what is says. Went on a short boat ride where the floor was of glass so you could see the reef and fishes and what not.

Tried to upload a video I made as well but didn't work I'm afraid :(

Sharm El Sheikh part 1

Jeep safari

For one day we went out with jeeps in the desert and drove like mad, visited some Bedouins and was told some stories I found very interesting, drank some tea, had a look at their crafts they make. 
Drove off to ride camels (they were actually dromedary, but they still call them camels) along the beach and it was bloody cold as it was just by the coast and so windy, plus I get cold very easy. But it was an experience. 
Rode to this place called Blue hole, if I remember correctly, where a comet long time ago hit in the water and made a big hole (therefor the name lol). We did some snorkeling anyway and still really cold and I actually cut my ankle on the reef :( I'm ok!

It was really dirty in the desert, well the whole of the place was as they don't seem to have trashcans.

How some of the Bedouins live

Found this poor cute little fella

The big hole if you can see it in the ocean