Sunday, 31 March 2013

I can't believe it's half 6 in the evening. It's so bright outside, I love it!
Been in town today buying and trying on loads of tights. I love tights and leggings. I live in them and wear them to everything. Found 3 all together.

Now I'm just laying on the sofa browsing around and watching TV (multitasking or what lol). Got really tired now and since it's not even dark outside I forgot it's actually dinner time..

Talk latha

Over and out

Take the london line

See you in the crowd!

Friday, 29 March 2013

Thursday, 28 March 2013

I'm back!

Went back to Sweden today for a few days over Easter (was gonna write Christmas..). Was not planning on  it a week ago, but hey.

A 11 hour ferry  ride can get bored and lonely lol.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

2 Brooke girls..

is what I'm watching..
Just got back (pretty much) from Nina. She had made a lovely dinner a la salmon, loves it! Talked, danced, did some quiz, booked tickets to London (well she did not me lol) and just had some quality time. Oh and did some tattoos ;)
Played with her cat Simba who's a real fun one.

Tomorrow I have to continue study for my microbiology exam on Monday, God! Then meeting my friend Sandra for some girls night out. Haven't had a good night out in a long time, not pretty much since I moved from the city (London) out to the country side. But as I'm not a big drinker anymore I won't need much until I long for my bed lol.

Good times a la London!

Talk latha.

Over and out

Heading out now!

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Good morning!

Or Good day more or less.
I woke up pretty early, had a shower, had some breakfast, been doing some stuff on the Internet. Now I'm just waiting to go and get my treatment..

and having some fun with my cam..

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The Inbetweeners going USA! Really?

I absolutely love The Inbetweeners. You know, the English comedy show. I now saw they showed it on MTV, and as exited I was waiting I realised it's American version. What the hell man! Do they know this? Is not as funny of course but I'll give it a try.

The original!

The.. others..

Monday, 18 March 2013

Face analysis

Today had a face analysis appointment yet again. I did it a while ago in Finland (btw I' in Sweden now for the week) but wanted a second opinion as I am going to spend at least 6 months in Sweden in summer and I wanted to start taking care of my outer beauty ;) Know what kind of treatments would be good for me.
I booked a poor cleansing and eyelash colouring for Wednesday.

At last!

Finally I chopped the overdue rug off lol. A bit exaggerating but it really was overdue. It was so worned out and just nothing to it.
Last time I had a haircut which was during Christmas it was not cut enough.
I didn't really care much how it would turn out, as long as all of the hair was cut and make a little hairstyle our of it I'm happy.

My ponytail is now a little stomp lol

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Bad week!

This previous week has not been my best. I been constantly tired, in body and soul, and just haven't had any motivation for anything. Least of all school. Just been feeling to give it all up, that I don't care.
But I guess it's cause I've been in an other world the week before and I forgot all about the real world ;) lol.
Really tried to sleep long and get well rested this weekend. As we started with the gym again maybe I will get my energy back.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Late night smoothie

Having my daily (nightly) smoothie. This time containing strawberries, water and a little bit of lemon.

I suck at post titles!

I've made myself a new workout scheme to follow. I mixed and matched different body parts from I did before. As important (if you're somewhat serious and in to your workout) it is to plan your workout beforehand it's just as important to upgrade and change your schedule.

Today was arms, both biceps and triceps, on the agenda. As I said yesterday I was meant to do some tanning but got occupied every time I wanted to and didn't want to wait to long, so I will  make a new attempt tomorrow.

Just had some leftovers from my chicken and vegetables in oven with fried potatoes (yes imagine lol) and aubergine. Gonna kick back with a strawberry smoothie in a while, once my stomach calmed down.

Friday, 1 March 2013

I got nothing..

Just sitting on the couch really tired, and my back's gotten quiet soar =(
I took it really easy at the gym today as it was the first day after weeks off, and as I do not feel 100% after being ill and all ;) Did less then an hour and only did a few exercises for tummy and some walking and like 5 min running. Tomorrow I will give more. Also gonna tan for a "few" min ;)