I was just sitting on the balcony and became quite chilly so I went in. My blanket I had put up as protection came down any way so.. decided to go insinde.
I've been cleaning intense the bathroom so needed a little brake. Will continue with the kitchen later. I want to have it cleaned till Johanna comes home which is Monday night. She is in Sweden right now. Miss her! (I miss you) hehe.
I am still waiting for my computer to come back, so I still borrowing Johanna's one.
This Friday I went out with my colleague Phamiso and Nikki to No5. It was Phamiso's 23rd birthday. We had a great time
Phamiso and me
Nikki, me and Phamiso


Nikki, me and Phamiso

Right now I'm listiening to some old Mandy Moore stuff. I saw A walk ro remember a while ago, and got stuck with one of the songs she performs - Only Hope.
See if I can upload the video here.... Nope can't do.
But will Put the lyrics and the youtube link. On the next post as the Song of the day.
For now,
Over and out
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