Friday, 31 December 2010
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Saturday, 11 December 2010
All I can give
But I though I would give a little update of what I been up to.
I am at the moment (or for a long time) working and living with a family outside London out in the country and helping out with their 4 children (all girls lol) and their horses as they run race horses, and some ponies.
My days are either very early dropping of the girls for school or stations and be in the house cleaning up and doing the wash, and then you have like 4 hours break till you start in the evening again picking them up and making them supper.
Other days I am out in the stable with the horses on a normal hour basis where the tasks are pretty the same; feed them, take them out on this 'walker' where they get their exercise, mock out and sometimes you go out for a ride.
But I definitely become better here. It's good for my heart and soul.
Ok I think I will stop here cause I have no flow when I'm writing but will update later on.
Over and out
xx Rebecca
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Thursday, 11 November 2010

Monday, 8 November 2010
I am right now sitting in Nikkis room and about to get the f*ck out of here! Ok maybe not that extreme, but in a few hours I will move from London and get a new start some were else.
I got a offer to work and live with a family out in the country to mainly help with the horses, their children and driving which I love. I am very exited since this is what I really need right now, to get out of this city and its people, but also nervous of course cause it is a new start, new place and new people. What I am most nervous and have anxiety about is the journey there. I have a lot of crap so I have to make more then one round, and I hate carrying big and heavy bags. Luckily it's not to far and just a train commute.
(Btw I am really not feeling this post, I have no rhythm or flow what so ever..)
Any who..
I'm going to continue watching Bad girls club now, I've become addicted lol. I really hate the drama and the people and would never live in that sort of environment, but hey it's entertaining.
London I'll miss you!
(I'll be back!)
Talk latha.
Over and out
Friday, 5 November 2010
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Will never fall in Love with you again...
"I come from a place that's hurts and God knows how I've cried, and I never want to return.
Never fall again".

Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Omg a lot of stuff has happened, which I will not get in to to much. I just been very busy..
..busy with being a fool in love
..busy with getting my heart broken
..busy with making very stupid decisions
..busy with trying and fighting to hard for nothing
..just busy with digging my self up again from hell
I have never been this depressed or low in my entire life, just to putting it out there.
But now I'm back with more energy, wiser mind and stronger heart. Damn it! I'm gonna bring back these few months I've lost.
At the same time I don't like to regret stuff I've done or been through, how else can you learn for next time? So I think it's important we all experience hard and difficult times in our life's so when we come back to life we are stronger and wiser than before and know what to do and what no to do.
So stay tuned as I have many news and ideas I want to share with ya'll!
"It's going to be a bumpy ride, to the other side..."
"After all you put me through
You'd think I'd despise you
But in the end I want to thank you
Because you made me that much Stronger"
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Late news

Soon, hopefully (with the sun I mean lol)
Friday, 23 July 2010
Monday, 19 July 2010

Now I have to go to sleep.
Over and out
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Sunday, 4 July 2010
I spend the whole weekend at a friends house =) was very nice and cosy (if you know what i mean lol).
Tomorrow is work and I am dreading it!!
I am really tired now, as I haven't slept for to much, and i really need a shower (if you know what I mean lol). Alright I'll stop.
So haven't done much more.
Talk latha
Over and out
Friday, 2 July 2010
Today I'm off
So I done my 11 days work now, finally. It wasn't that hard actually nor did it feel any different to my usual work weeks, anyway...
But today I'm off =) Feeling lazy tho. Tried to get a long sleep for ones, but as always I woke up at about 8am. Went up at about 11.30am and took a shower and put a face mask on, a great way to start your day =)
Me and Johanna went out last night, event tho I was absolutely knackered from work. It was her birthday Wednesday so a little celebration to her.
Happy birthday lovely!!!
It wasn't a great night tho. It started good with some pre-drinks at the bar Sketch, our favorite place lol. I drank one drink and immediately started to feel it in my head (thought it was cause I haven't been drinking in such a long time, but realised that was a lie. Was out like 2 weeks ago).
Some of Johanna's friends came over and joined us and we were supposed to head to a club (one that I actually don't like, but anything for Johanna lol), but we had some complication and had a early escape home.
This morning I surprised Johanna with a little gift, containing 2 thongs from work, and some of her favorite snacks. Just a little funny silly thing. Like to be creative.
Ow and an other ting; she's been excepted to her school she applied for, and I am very happy for her, it's just I will miss her terribly, since the school is in Sweden and she has to move home. Don't know what I will do without her =(
Feels like everyone is leaving me....Ok, lets not be like that. Gotta take out he positive of it all.
Talk latha
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
This just in!

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Good night London!
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Gonna go in a bit, so thought I would watch some YouTube shows again. Now it's about a beauty contest called Miss undressed, as they are all completely nude. Never heard about t before and it been running since -91 apparently. Haha maybe no wonder I have not heard of it after all.
It's just a bit entertaining.
See ya latha, gonna head out now.
Katie: My beautiful face
Her life was on top and had a bright future with model and TV jobs in her hands.
What I really like about this show and her is that she is still very happy, and even makes jokes about he accident. Like she's not embarrassed of it all, even with the cameras and strangers around.
At the same time it gets me very scared. Even tho the accident was planned by her ex boyfriend and performed a stranger, I cant stop thinking it can easily be a crazy man doing it just to anyone. Like me! I would feel that my life would be over, even tho I'm not making a living out of my face and looks, I don't know how I would make it through.
"I did have these terrible attacks, yeah I do look totally different physically. But I wanna be the woman that got through that, and is now living. Not the woman 'ow she was attacked, it's terrible, don't mention it, and she can't do that anymore ans she doesn't go there'.
I wanna get rid of that and just be Katie!"

Saturday, 26 June 2010
Work hard, play less =P
It was really exhausting today, and I didn't like it at all. Felt really uncomfortable and weird being there on a Saturday. Plus I was tired from finishing late last night. So no, no more weekend work! Well apart from tomorrow when I will do 6-11pm. Prep for sale =( wow I can't wait for sale lol. Luckily I am only working 4 days this week, as the girl I was covering for today is doing my Friday =) Good luck with that =P
Right now I am really melting. It is so hot!! My window is wide open, and I am wearing nothing.... lol or am I?
I should really get to bed shouldn't I? and be well rested for tomorrow.
What to do tomorrow?
Maybe buy a new dress for work, it's needed.
Over and out
P.s Thought I would test a new type color. Whatcha think? D.s
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
I just got home a little while ago tho, and I am not really tired or exhausted, just very hot and smelly lol.
Gonna take a shower in the morning, when I'm rather be fresh for the day then sleep on it lol.
Ow yeah from this Monday this week, I am going to work 11 days straight. I am covering for someone on Saturday, and cause of the sale coming up I am doing a couple of extra hours on Sunday. But next Friday I am off, so getting a long weekend =) and my sister were supposed to have come, but she can't as she has to work herself =(
What else? Not much...
Over and out
P.s The people at work makes it wort coming in! Thank you! D.s
I could have slept better. I woke up at about 5.30am (for some reason =P) and could not get back to sleep properly. Then when I had to get up I was proper tired, any way. I'm fine now, just eating some breakfast and trying to find something to watch. I hate when you eat and don't watch something lol. If you are alone that is.
Then I have to get ready for work, yeay I can't wait lol.
It's getting really busy now with the sale coming up next week, and it's to fricking hot. I don't mind hot weather, but not when you have to be inside and work.
Talk latha
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
What is up?
Just been out running, and with this weather its making it quite hot. I feel so good doing this. If it would have been a while ago I would just been like "can't be bothered", and "I'll do it 2mrrw", or "I actually have this and that to do".
I used to do power walking before, you know, till I didn't lol. I get bored so easily, and honestly working out is not that fun. Specially if you're doing it alone, even if it can be nice with some 'quite' time with just you and your music.
So, whats cooking good looking?
I start late 2mrrw =( (I prefer to work early and then finish early) so can have a long night =) Even tho someone or something is telling me I should get to bed early... mhm...
Think I'm gonna hit the shower now, it's quite needed, and then make some lunch for 2mrrw, and maybe something for myself for now.
So a very exited evening is on the agenda.
Talk latha
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Pls take your time and read through!
I pretty much grew up with animals. My relatives back in Sweden has a farm where we would spend all summers and where I would help out. There were cows, dogs, horses, cats, chickens, sheep's you name it... I've seen what animals can do to you. For you!
It is a known fact (well maybe not known to everyone) that having a pet around you will make your life if not longer but happier and maybe even more healthy. I know a dog is a great company for the elderly.
Back in the farm I used to say that I had a cow, my own cow, that I picked out as a baby and watched grow. When she died I was so upset and sad. I was angry, and didn't want to eat any beef for a long time. I have her picture framed above my bed. I do realise and understand that this sounds a bit weird and crazy. I mean sob for a cow? you might think.
But it's more about the connection you get with someone. Something or someone that used to be there, isn't anymore. Your day and routine changes.
Me and my siblings also had a cat that was run over, my dog that passed away now almost 2 years ago, that I still have problems dealing with. Now I have 2 goldfishes. Animals comes and goes, just like humans, and you have to learn and deal with the constant changes that might happen in your life.
I believe in respecting others and not make judgment, as we all have our different reasons for our choices and we can never know what's really going on when you are not watching.
I have no sympathy what-so-ever to people who are involved with for ex. bullfighting and rodeo. They know what they are doing. They know it can be (or is) dangerous, so when they get hurt, or even dies, from the animal they triggered to actually make that action, I don't feel any for the people. Why should I? Give me one good reason, that i can't argue with!
I can just go on and on about this, but it's you that's going to read it all (hopefully) so I'm gonna wrap it up.
I was watching some clips on YouTube about this s.k sport and I could not bare to look, it is to painful, but what crossed my mind that's even more painful, is that I am sitting here having all of these thoughts and feelings and I don't know how I can help. Where to start.
My goal would be simple; just to ban all animal cruelty in all its way. I know that is never going to happen, but if everyone just gives this a little more thought, we can go a long way.
This post has taken me 1h to write, thank you for listening.
Sunday morning
Just got home from my run =) Today was a bit exhausting, don't know why... I am just generally out of shape lol.
I actually just sitting by my bed thinking if I should get a shower now or not.. I am waiting for a response about the wedding. You know, I need my time to get ready and I don't have all the supplies a girl needs to get flawless lol. It's all a bit complicated with me. If we're not going, I don't have to wash my hair right now, since I think we are going out tonight and I prefer to do it just when I am about to head out.... haha this doesn't make any sense to you now does it?
Any way, that's how it is now.
I also have to take my friend to the hospital, nothing serious, just moral support.
Now over to something more important that's close to my heart and soul... Stay tuned for the next post...
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Just a normal Saturday
As I said last night I went up at 8am this morning and went for a run for an hour. Then had a quick breakfast and then headed to Nina for a.... well not for a good bye, but a 'see you later'. She's moving home to Sweden tomorrow =( Have not realised or thought about till now...
We moved to London to gether.
We survived our first time her to gether.
We did some pretty awesome things to gether.
And now what. Even tho we did not spend that much time or saw each other that often, you always knew that she was there. In at least the same country. Ok now I'm talking like she passed away lol.
I will see her again in August any way when I am going home for holiday =) 18 days ma friend!
Been studying today as well actually. Well done Rebecca! Thank you very much.
Been all cosy with Johanna now for a while.
Think I'm gonna call it a night and eat some nice yogurt and watch something hehe.
Tomorrow I think I will go to my previous managers wedding =)
Mhm... what to wear?
Over and out
Finally Friday (well actually it's Saturday now)
Have to sleep now, as I'm up early tomorrow for a run. Haven't been out since Tuesday I think.
Well good night.
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Sunday night
I mostly been at home, but I've done 2 washing machine (can you say that?), hung them outside to get a fresher and nicer smell to it.
I have been throwing out a lot from my wardrobe, shoes and clothes that I really don't need and never use. I know, it can be hard. I still have some stuff left. Been tidying my room a little bit. Then at about 7pm I went out for my walk/run to Holland Park, where I meet Nina and friend. So random. I had music on (Aguilera's Bionic) and saw this girl whistle at me, and it turned out to be Nina, nice =)
I cooked right away when I got home, made enough to make for 2 lunches (I always cook my lunch for work the day before).
I took out all the rubbish on my own as well, as there as no one to help =( well well I manage.
Now I'm in bed and feel a bit exhausted.
Just talked to my sister on Skype, thin it so amusing with the cam. She's gonna visit in the beginning of July =) and I am off (hopefully) that Friday, so it's gonna be a long weekend =)
Gonna watch some old OC now and eat my sweets
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Angel of death

I was very touched and moved when I saw these images of these football players who died while in the game.
This is dedicated to
- Miklos Feher 20/07/1979 - 25/01/2004
- Antonio Puerta 26/11/1984 - 28/08/2007
- Marc-Viviene Foe 01/05/1975 - 26/06/2003
Migraine runs in my family
This morning at 8am I went for a walk and running to Holland Park again (did it last weekend), and this time I had bought proper running shoes so I'm all set lol.
Takes about 20min to walk there and there I jog slowly 3 rounds which takes about 40min, and then 20min walk home, which equals 1h =)
I got home and got a shower (haha interesting) and had some breakfast. At 1pm I had to go to Nina's leaving party/picnic in Holland Park as she is leaving London :( Haven't really realised it. Had to go to the bank as well but it was to long of a que so skipped it. Do it on Monday.
The picnic was very nice with games but to much sweets lol.
Headed to Westfiled after that and I bought Aguilera's new album Bionic, which I just love! It's a cool/funky/funny sound, and a t-shirt from New look with a horse in. Not to sure about it tho.
Now I'm in bed writing to you and listening to ma sound. Have a headache tho.
Gonna start study soon as well.
Was thinking if I should go to the movies tonight and see Sex and the City, alone as all my friends seen it... or don't want to see it. Maybe it's to late for tonight.
Here is my favorite Bionic so far
Sunday, 6 June 2010

Over and out
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Your subtitle here please!
Was so hot and humid today, wasn't even that sunny, just very hot.
On my way home I stooped by for some food and ice cream (which btw is finished now :/ ) and printed out my course work. My feet were killing me from being so hot and my shoes so tight. Who ever said Converse were comfortable can kiss my a**!
Just have to tell you what happened last night. I was in bed getting ready to fall asleep with my laptop on top of me, and I tried to get comfortable and all of a sudden, somehow, I get the screen corner right on my eye, with all its weight. I got so scared and thought my eye globe were gonna fall out. Hurt like hell. All I got tho was a scratch on the eyelid. Looks very pretty now lol. Of course I couldn't get like a cool black eye that would make it look I was in a fight or something, no it had to be a minor scratch.
Catch you guys latha
Weekend in a nutshell..

Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Sundays news
Don't know why it took so long time, well ok, I was a bit lazy this time around. Something I am definitely gonna learn to the next session. Just gonna wait for the result and then I am of to the next. Horses! :)
I've decided to move to Australia btw!
It's been in my minds for a while. Before London actually, but I wanted to start with something small and easy. But I feel now I've done London. I need sun, and fresh air and other people. I also think Australia has more to offer when it comes to my career, animals!
So gonna start to plan now, since it takes a while. Have to finish my life here first as I say, and then there's visa, I have to make some money first... well well, we'll get to that. Maybe just visit someone there first to see what the fuss is all about.
Gonna sleep now, really tired.
Over and out
Saturday, 29 May 2010
This just in!
Work colleagues
Last night me and Nikki went to a impulsive midnight movie, and watched A nightmare on Elm st. Remember it from when I was young (or youngER lol) when my brother and sister used to watch it, but it was to scary for me at the time. Tho it was very scary while I was watching it and really jumped a few times (on woman screamed out loud once, and no it was not me nor Nikki). If it would have been a few years back, I would have been terrified also after the movie, but I have learned to control my fright. I am more relaxed now.
Now I did sleep in Nikki's bed, but that has nothing to do with it. I mean, we've planned that for a long time....... ;)

So, today I have just been in bed, but, I have been studying and I think, well I should, be finished with my next session and test this weekend (we'll see about that rebecca huh?).
Johanna has become ill now, she has the flue, and the good person and friend that I am, I have been buying her food and making some for her. Apparently it's very contagious, so we'll see how this will end for me. But as I said to her "I don't mind". lol.
Don't know what else there is to say... sure there is loads more, I just can't remember it all now. You know there is just so much going on in my life and so many people involved, is hard to keep up the track you know!
Over and out
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Late night attraction
See ya all out there in the crowd.
Over and out
Ho ho ho...
Me and Johanna been out in the sun for a couple of hours, and we both burned our backs a little bit, and my chest, oops. We are not really sunbathing in a smart way, as we want to get tanned right away.
Well, so now I have headache and I am so exhausted. I actually did a bit if studying while outside, and gonna continue now, was the plan. I feel like sleeping tho...
Tonight we are heading out (as always?). First we are gonna take some predrinks with Johanna's cousin who's visiting.
A short posting for now.
Well talk latha
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Well I was of to meet my cousin from Sweden who was here very quickly, and her 2 friends.
We grabbed a nice bite at a Mexican place in Notting Hill, got so stuffed and then headed down Portobello where I did not found anything, but they bought some paintings.
It started to piss down (rain lol) so we called it a day and I headed home.
Planned on having a nice early night in, but Johanna convinced me on going out to Boujis. Can never really say no to that place, especially when I start late the day after.
But It was such a fun night. It was me, Johanna, Karolina and Elin, and of course Hamid.
I danced my pants of haha. Well at least Johanna pulled them of lol.. had a few drinks as well.
I love having a laugh in the cab on our way home. We always almost scream and shout nonsense at each other, love it!
Well it's already Tuesday and I hope this week goes as quick as the last one.
Me and Johanna just watched a movie, "Music and lyrics", it's very funny actually, but I got very tired now so think I'm gonna hit the bed. Start late tomorrow so will get a little lay in =)
Might come back later tonight
P.s a very nice lullaby
This tune was dedicated to a girl who was murdered in my neighborhood in Sweden.
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Saturday, 15 May 2010
I achieved a big sale through a bra fitting I did, that we are providing.
Omg can you believe the "prize" i got? I am so flattered.
An hour earlier? Have to really think this one through...
A noon post
- I need a haircut. My hair is not to bad but it was about 4 months since the last time i had one, and I am trying to maintain it and get regularly haircuts.
Don't know yet what to do for colors tho. Either do blond highlights since it will be easier now I don't have any colors in my hair, do it really dark brown which will really bring out my blue eyes more, or just leave as it is. Love the idea that it's untouched and natural. Eventually I want in a really nice dark red color, like burgundy.

Which one!
It's a bit lighter then this that I have now
Really dunno... well it will come I guess. Now for the summer guess it will be a bit bleached by the sun. (what sun?)
- I'm also in a need of a back and neck massage. As hard as I work no wonders lol.
- Need to continue my studies and finish my next session and test.
- Also catch up with my project that's been laying on the side for a while.
- Clean the fish tank, the poor bastards.
To day I'm also gonna fit in a lunch with Johanna =)
Talk latha