Good evening folks!
My bed is at the moment covered with clothes and sh*t, lol.
Maybe I haven't told y'all that I am leaving for Sweden tomorrow night for 2 and a half weeks =) I'm so exited. I have not been home since last October (I think) and that was for a funeral unfortunately, but I am a bit nervous. I hate the travelling and flying part. Don't know how mush time I have or when exacly I should leave. I know I have some stuff I have to do tomorrow tho, like go and buy some summer shoes like flip-flops, go to the bank, clean out my fish tank one last time before I leave (my flatmate will take care of them when I'm one), and I also if I have time want to do manicure and have nice fresh nails when I get home.
I feel a bit down and blue tho, since I am leaving a certain person behind whom I will miss badly!
Alright, I should get back to my packing and then get some sleep. Have to have a early morning tomorrow.

Soon, hopefully (with the sun I mean lol)
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