Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Clinic day 2

Good evening!
I'm laying in bed almost ready fro sleep, I just gonna read some chapters from my book and just been watching some TV shows.

Second day at the clinic, and it was a bit more busy then yesterday. We had a big retriever being castrated, a little one was having its teeth polished, poor thing when he woke up =( and some beeing vaccinated.
Only 2 days to go so we've done half of it. I want it over with even if I think its quite interesting, but since you have no idea what you're doing but you're expected to, it's hard.
Can't wait for my 4 days off =) no idea what I will do but still. I'm definitely gonna hit the gym lol, have a hair cut and I'm pretty sure I will make a round to the supermarket for some goodies.
After the clinic at about 5pm I went for a run, felt really nice afterwards. I like a good sweat lol.
Did 30 min of stretching, focusing on my legs, and you can really feel the different whilst you're sitting there, you know how you become more flexible.
Any way I'm just babbling on..

Talk latha

Over and out

Finnish time 22.20pm

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