Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Just got my 1/3 of shoes today! And I absolutely love them both. They were even a bit higher then I imagined, but that's good. They fit really good, and I'm glad I read some of the comments on one of them saying they were a bit big for normal size, so I choose one size smaller they're it's perfect.
The black ones I can imagine to become a wee uncomfortable after a long night (or day) lol. The others I love the colours and the heel. They are a bit more comfortable. Thought I wear them for the wedding, to create a little life to the dress, which is a bit blue/grey/purple.
The black ones I can imagine to become a wee uncomfortable after a long night (or day) lol. The others I love the colours and the heel. They are a bit more comfortable. Thought I wear them for the wedding, to create a little life to the dress, which is a bit blue/grey/purple.
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Down memory lane
Went for a drive today to our old neighbourhood and shopping mall. Haven't been there for ages.
We also drove past our old villa. I really wonder how it looks like inside now. Is it better or worse? lol.
I bought some sandals for my practise. You do get sour feet if not wearing the right ones ;)
I also been on the hunt for a curler. I used to have a quiet big before but now wanted a slimmer.
I found a dress for the wedding in July. I though I already made up my mind about the dress, one I already have, but as I tried it on the other night it didn't feel right nor did it fit as good as I remember (I've only worn it ones).
Any who..
Back to work tomorrow. It feels really good not to have these every Sunday anxiety for Mondays. Guess I like what I do now lol. It's still in the beginning of course so we'll see how I feel in 6 months.
Over and out
We also drove past our old villa. I really wonder how it looks like inside now. Is it better or worse? lol.
I bought some sandals for my practise. You do get sour feet if not wearing the right ones ;)
I also been on the hunt for a curler. I used to have a quiet big before but now wanted a slimmer.
I found a dress for the wedding in July. I though I already made up my mind about the dress, one I already have, but as I tried it on the other night it didn't feel right nor did it fit as good as I remember (I've only worn it ones).
Any who..
Back to work tomorrow. It feels really good not to have these every Sunday anxiety for Mondays. Guess I like what I do now lol. It's still in the beginning of course so we'll see how I feel in 6 months.
Wow it looks quiet long here, and light!
Over and out
Saturday, 15 June 2013
La Niña de la Selva / the girl in the forest!
This is my big secret dream!
I can never explain or put in to words, only emotions, the love I have for these creatures!
How can you ask for anything more?
The text is in Spanish, but you'll need no words to understand and feel the realness of this story.
Please take your time to watch it all. You can always watch it direct on youtube for better view I guess!
A living alarm
Dog Chained in Dark Basement for Years as a Living Alarm Rescued. To his torturers he was just The Dog, and for years, he lived chained inside a basement in shack in the countryside. A dark wet hell where there was no difference between night and day.
His owners used to go there and drop some food every once in a while, just to keep him alive. To them, he was nothing but a living alarm that would scare intruders with his barks.Neighbors had complained several times about this inhumane treatment but nothing had been done about it, and so it went on, and on, for years that may have seemed like an eternity to a dog that yearned for human contact and freedom.
And then, his captors stopped going to see their prisoner. There was no more water and food. His destiny had been sealed, he would die slowly, his body would shut down, and at the end of that dark corridor he would find peace. This was his destiny until a kind soul entered the house and found him chained, twisted, mangled and being consumed by a thousand larvae feasting upon his flesh.
He has arrived to Lets Adopt! in a critical condition, dehydrated and unable to stand, whimpering, a bloody mass of hurt.He is positive to Leishmania. His leg is twisted, and the charity does not know yet the extent of his injuries.The charity’s initial protocole is to stabilize him with fluid therapy, clean and empty his wounds of larvae and other parasites, fully evaluate his leg injuries and start his Leishmania treatment.After all treatment is over Axel will need a home, one that is willing to offer him the things he never had…
We know times are tough and many are struggling right now, if you are not in a position to contribute please, at least help us save Axel by sharing this on Facebook, Twitter, you name it… anywhere you can… . Please help Axel today, because it’s important, because it will save his life and because it sends the world the message that we must not abandon the weakest, human or animal in their moment of need.
Please spread the news and if you can, help Axel get the treatment he needs. He is currently in SPAIN.
Friday, 14 June 2013
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Olympia Horse show
I also had the opportunity to attend Olympia Horse show in London.
I just love beautiful powerful things.
The bond between a horse and its rider can be amazing.
I just love beautiful powerful things.
The bond between a horse and its rider can be amazing.
Crufts Dog Show -12
Back when I was living in England I tried to take advantage of it as much as I could, and explore the things that interested me.
Crufts Dog Show is the world biggest dog show located in Birmingham and of course I attended last year.
It's pretty much the games I love and not so much the "fashion show". I want to see the dog happy and energetic. Of course sports like agility can also cause stress.
But seeing these games and sports it really move me and I have to fight holding back the tears. The dogs loves it and want to make right.
Here are some videos of agility and fly ball.
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
"I can't go out. I'm sick! Cough cough!"
Has gone on a smashing cold/flue. The other night was Not fun. Had to get up several times to get a drink and spit lol. It was hot, light an just very uncomfortable.
Yesterday at the clinic I almost called in sick and almost was gonna tell everyone I was going home (as I actually went). It was just hard everything. My throat was killing me and had a head ache. So straight after I headed to the pharmacy to get some killer throat lozenges, the one that will just dumb your throat.
In the evening my whole body ached (well still does), and today was a bit better except I had to blow my noise like hundred time.
Now sitting on the couch, just had a shower, and keep sneezing. Got some papers prepered and some cream for my noise as I get very dry eventually. I'm usually not ill for long so this shouldn't last very long. I hope!
Thank you for listening on my whining, you who did anyway!
Good night.
Over and out
Yesterday at the clinic I almost called in sick and almost was gonna tell everyone I was going home (as I actually went). It was just hard everything. My throat was killing me and had a head ache. So straight after I headed to the pharmacy to get some killer throat lozenges, the one that will just dumb your throat.
In the evening my whole body ached (well still does), and today was a bit better except I had to blow my noise like hundred time.
Now sitting on the couch, just had a shower, and keep sneezing. Got some papers prepered and some cream for my noise as I get very dry eventually. I'm usually not ill for long so this shouldn't last very long. I hope!
Thank you for listening on my whining, you who did anyway!
Good night.
Over and out
Monday, 10 June 2013
Monday sickness
At the end of my day I started to feel a tingle feeling in my throat and now it's just gotten way worse. It's really soar, specially when I swallow and it feels like its swollen. I'm not sick very often, usually just get a bit of a soar throat for a few days but then it goes away. I must have gotte infected from our trip yesterday. I think this night is gonna be a nightmare! Damn it!
Today was a bit more fun at the clinic as I followed and contributed many of the patience. Just to listen and see how it works when they examine the animals. I got to remove stitches from a dog.
Now I'm gonna watch the latest Game of Thrones. How will this end? lol.
Talk latha
Over and out
Today was a bit more fun at the clinic as I followed and contributed many of the patience. Just to listen and see how it works when they examine the animals. I got to remove stitches from a dog.
Now I'm gonna watch the latest Game of Thrones. How will this end? lol.
Talk latha
Over and out
Sunday, 9 June 2013
We all have our obsessions, whether it's handbags, types of clothing, make-up. Mine right now is shoes. I feel like ordering ton of them. I feel I need to expand my collection. I need the type of shoes you can wear to most of your wardrobe. So I'm thinking black is a safe card, but I also love the colour beige. It's such a fresh and classy colour.

Here's where my mind is:
They are all pretty high for being an everyday shoe (every going out at night shoe lol) and I will be become a giant as I am pretty tall as it is, but I just love high heels so who cares!? Earn it and work it!
Good night!
Family reunion
We stooped by our cousins and family for a quick coffee and some cake on the way as one of their children turned 5! Was really nice. Talked about their wedding they're having in July which I am very exited about. Just have to find something to wear. I kind of have an idea but it's shoes I need to figure out.. Oh well.
This weekend has gone quick, to quick if you ask me which I'm sure you are not but will say it anyway ;)
A new week and a new opportunities! We'll see what this week has to offer.
Talk latha
Over and out
Went out for dinner last night with Sandra. Had some Kurdish food which was really nice, I got very full. We ordered some bread with hummus and these dumplings like with lamb. Afterwards we did a bar round and went for like 3 different bars (not including two others we just turned in the door at). I don't know, I just don't like the Stockholm party scene. I think I just compare it to London =) or I'm just getting old and over it lol.
But I had a good time with Sandra and a lot of talks and advice. Got a bit of a soar throat though after a few drinks =/
Today we're going up the country (not to far) to get my sister who's also moving to Stockholm for the summer for a job.
Talk latha.
Over and out
But I had a good time with Sandra and a lot of talks and advice. Got a bit of a soar throat though after a few drinks =/
Today we're going up the country (not to far) to get my sister who's also moving to Stockholm for the summer for a job.
Inspiration from a Angelica Blick
Talk latha.
Over and out
Friday, 7 June 2013
Made in Chelsea
Where I am sitting if not the couch! Will have to show you it one day so you'll see what the fuss is about lol.
Having some home made lemon juice and of course sweets, while watching an episode of MIC!
And as every one is saying, I'm now taking weekend. I like now to have busy working weeks and then a free weekend. Makes you appreciate your free time more. I could never not do anything, would go crazy.
Not to much planed. Tomorrow we might go and look at Princess Madeline's wedding in the city, could be nice. Then I'm having dinner with some friends, well one friend but she's bringing hers =) Love going out to dinner.
I got a bit burned from yesterdays sun. My chest most of all, and of course I now got a mark from my necklace. Oh well. I'll even it out.
Talk latha!
Over and out.
Having some home made lemon juice and of course sweets, while watching an episode of MIC!
And as every one is saying, I'm now taking weekend. I like now to have busy working weeks and then a free weekend. Makes you appreciate your free time more. I could never not do anything, would go crazy.
Not to much planed. Tomorrow we might go and look at Princess Madeline's wedding in the city, could be nice. Then I'm having dinner with some friends, well one friend but she's bringing hers =) Love going out to dinner.
I got a bit burned from yesterdays sun. My chest most of all, and of course I now got a mark from my necklace. Oh well. I'll even it out.
Talk latha!
Over and out.
Thursday, 6 June 2013
6th of June!
Here's how we celebrated our nation today.
Horse race at Gärdet
Festive at Skansen
The Royal family!
I spend this day with what I love the most (one of the things anyway lol), animals. I even had to save two goslings (baby geese) from these evil seagulls =(
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
It's easy to make enemies, but harder to make friends
I am so unbelievable tired, but it was to early to go to bed, well until now. Just been watching some episodes of Made in Chelsea. You know it?
I am still chocked of what I witnessed of the latest episode of Game of thrones. Wow!
Now I am off to bed and will have a long nights sleep. The best part of having a day off is not to sleep all morning and day, but to decide when ever you want to get up. I don't like to sleep long any way and waste the day.
Good night!

I am still chocked of what I witnessed of the latest episode of Game of thrones. Wow!
Now I am off to bed and will have a long nights sleep. The best part of having a day off is not to sleep all morning and day, but to decide when ever you want to get up. I don't like to sleep long any way and waste the day.
Good night!
A day off!
I'm getting more pale at the clinic, well my little tasks anyway. I want to learn more about their system and start to finish with a patient and what not. I'm doing the wash of towels, blankets, uniforms, washing of tools and more (dirty work). I guess I'm just inpatient. If I'm going to pass the exam in 6 months I feel I have to start doing something real..
But it's just day 3, and it will come in time.
Tomorrow is our national day so we all got the day off. Would be nice to sleep a little longer. I feel the tiredness during lunch break. Then it's only Friday before the weekend =)
We'll see what we will do tomorrow. There's a a horse race we might go and have a look at.
Talk latha
Over and out
But it's just day 3, and it will come in time.
Tomorrow is our national day so we all got the day off. Would be nice to sleep a little longer. I feel the tiredness during lunch break. Then it's only Friday before the weekend =)
We'll see what we will do tomorrow. There's a a horse race we might go and have a look at.
Talk latha
Over and out
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