Sunday, 9 June 2013


Went out for dinner last night with Sandra. Had some Kurdish food which was really nice, I got very full. We ordered some bread with hummus and these dumplings like with lamb. Afterwards we did a bar round and went for like 3 different bars (not including two others we just turned in the door at). I don't know, I just don't like the Stockholm party scene. I think I just compare it to London =) or I'm just getting old and over it lol.
But I had a good time with Sandra and a lot of talks and advice. Got a bit of a soar throat though after a few drinks =/

Today we're going up the country (not to far) to get my sister who's also moving to Stockholm for the summer for a job.

Inspiration from a Angelica Blick

Talk latha.

Over and out

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