Saturday, 9 November 2013

Godby Guesthome

I am now back in "lovely" Finland, lol, for my final exams. I will be staying here for the next 3 weeks and work at the veterinary clinic here (it's actually on an island outside Finland). I am kind of exited but have no idea what's in store for me or how this will end lol.

I've now settled in where I will be staying. I first booked a single room at this hostel but it came some complications so I found an other one. An other one is an understatement. This is heaven, and not comparing to the other one. It's absolutely lovely here. It's cold and grey outside and not really in season but the habitat is beautiful.

From this:

To this:

I don't start until Monday so I've got a day to kill tomorrow =)
I am now going to watch the series Arrow which I just started with. You start one and can't finish. I just finished with Under the dome.

Talk latah

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