Sunday, 28 February 2010

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Yesterday me Karolina and Elin went to The national history museum. I actually find that stuff quite interesting. We watched a few short movies about animals and nature. That's what I want to do. Travel around the world and help extinct animals. Well well, hopefully I will get there.
Museums and learning about h culture is much more fun now as an adult when you can choose, then when you were a kid and you had to.Now I am just waiting for Kar(ol)ina and Elin t come home. They are at some fashion thing. Fancy! Apparently there is some fashion thing or theme going on in the city :p lol.
Over and out
Friday, 26 February 2010
The latest
Last night was fun though.
Me, Karolina and Elin went to Jalouse were they had some sort of circus theme party, and it was packed. I loved it.
We danced and drank a lot. Karilona had to save me a couple of times from guys. Haha she used these balloons they had and slapped them away. Loved it.
The bartenders and staff were kind of cute with there pained faces. Think I fell in love with one of them hehe.
I only fell how drunk I really was when we left and got home. We stooped at Bagel bite, which is like the best food when you're drunk. Love it.
Karolina had to wok at 6am!!! So we stayed up a bit so she could go straight to work. She was still drunk at 4.30am, and I wondered how she would managed, but she did. She is still alive anyway, but apparently she thought she could go through a wall at work. Well well, I'm sure she worked it out.
We earlier 2day went to Tesco, cause I was so thirsty and craved for some sweets, so now I have eaten a salad made of avocado, tomato, feta cheese and vinegar, love it, and my favorite cookies.
Now in a min we are actually heading to a museum! Thought we should be a bit more with the culture.
Talk lata.
Ovet and out
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Here are my favorites.
Spice Girls - Never give up on the good times
Too much
Lady is a Vamp (a bit different for them)
Move over (their Pepsi commercial)
Viva Forever
Ok, I have a couple of more, but feels like it's to much.
Never give up on the good times
The plans for today was nothing special really.
- Treat myself - buy pillows, get a wax, fix my eyebrows
- Clea the house - the kitchen (it is mine cleaning week)
But think I will do something else today. Me and Karolina are going to the Alice in wonderland premier to watch Johnny Depp (irl) hehe, she really wanted to, and tonight I think we will go out.
What want and kind of have to do is still sort out my job and life, and try to find my shoes. I find the store located elsewhere where I could go and have a look.
I miss the summer and I really wanna spend it in Sweden this year =(
Over and out
I just got home from Happy hour at a bar by Westfield with the girls, and now I am very tired.
To days plans looked liked this
- Go up 7am and power walk
- Send packet to Sweden
- Visit Battersea doghome
Well the power walk we don't have to mentioned, but I went to Hammersmith and the post office and send a pack home to Sweden on behave of Johanna, then I went to look for some shopping. Specific shoes from New Look and I've now been to Westfield, Hammersmith, 2 on Oxford st, Holborn! No one has them. Think I'm gonna look at some more stores 2mrrw I haven't been to.
Went to Westfield any way were I found a par of Converse, white ones that is high in the ankle.
O yeah I was 2day supposed to go to the animal course office, and I did but couldn't find the actual door or entrance. It was all just normal doors, like ppl lived, and I couldn't be bothered.
I feel now I am so tired my grammar is not correct so gonna have to finish now.

Over and out
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Mine or what?
Over and out
Sitting on my bed right now eating a wonderful breakfast made out of scrambled eggs, avocado and salmon with lemon, mm.
Well, I was supposed to go up at 7am for a power walk, but I just love my bed and sleep more. Maybe I wrote i wrong on my list. Maybe I meant 7PM instead of 7AM, lol.
Any who...
This is my day today:
- 7am power walk (mhm)
- Go to Westfield and hand out CV's
- Visit animal course office - Russel square
- 7PM power walk
So talk to you lot lata
Over and out
Monday, 22 February 2010

Over and out
Xtra Xtra Read all about it
Now I am trying to prepare for to morrow and plan ahead, and looking what movie we should go and see. I actually never mind what kind of movie, even though I have favorites, I just love to go.
Omg forgot to tell you what happened last time we went.
To make a short story, well short:
It was me, Karolina, Elin and Mahtilda who went, and after a while in comes a bunch of kids who started to jump from seats o seats cause they could not decide where to sit, and they weren't quit and I just thought O no!
But it was still commercial so thought ok fine they can talk, but if they continues under the movie I'm gonna tell the. As I thought they continued and after awhile I asked politely to be quite. They kind of looked at me surprised and kept talking. (Ok so this story is quite log).
They had comments about Everything and Every scene. It pi**ed me of.
I actually made some comments to them whenever they said something.
At the end of the movie Mahtilda eve said "You guys seriously!" and of course they had some answers like "Its the end of the movie, relax hunnie".
When they wanted to leave had my legs up on the seat in front of me and said "What you can't jump?" Haha Love it. She then threw my legs out f he way ad said something, and I, out of reflex kicked her so she fell down, and came back and tried to hit me. I was kind of chocked.
Any who.
They waited outside and when I came out she apparently said "There she is, with the funny shoes". I turned and wave and said "Hello".
And that was kind of it.
Just waned to get that out.
Now I am gonna get ready for our next movie visit. Gonna be prepared this time. Should I bring my boxing gloves?
Haha only joking. I don' have boxing gloves.
Over and out.
Lazy cow
Any who..
On my way home I bought some hung over food and snack for today, hehe I'm a good planer nah? Went to a Internet cafe and fixed my CV and printed it out, so now I have a few to hand out. Liked the result.
Went home and just relaxed and ate some salad made out of avocado, tomato, feta cheese and balsamic vinegar. Yummie! and watched the movie Troy.
We went to Boujis which I love. I always have a great time there, and it's even better when you don't have to go to work the day after. It was kind of quite but still fun fun.
I just had a minor headache today, but cured that with a shower and some pizza and snacks. We might go to the movies later as well, but again we did decide that on our night out while we were drunk so we'll see about that.
The to days plans were kind simple, yes still have a list of what o do today.
- Recover from hang over
- Clean the house - bathroom.
Not much but till something and organised.
So just have to clean the bathroom, and then tomorrow is were all the fun (?) and action starts.
Talk to you lots lata
Over and out
Sunday, 21 February 2010

So now I have just watched the finish of the movie from last night, and now I am gonna start getting ready.
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Well not much has happened so I will just tell you whats About to happened.
Next week I am on holiday for 1 week =) but it doesn't mean I can rest and relax and do nothing. Just rest from work.
I have a whole list and points on what I will do for the whole week, and will check it once its done, hehe I like being organised like that.
Will start my mornings with power walk at 7 am.
So my "week" wont start until Tuesday cause 2mrrw, Sunday, we are going out which means Monday I need to actually rest and recover
- 7am power walk
- Go to Bik Bok and buy outfits for the night
- Buy walking shoes and jacket
- Sort out my CV and print out
- Start drinking :P
Won't tell you all my week in advanced though, so will go day by day.
Now I am watching some old bad quality movie with Sandra Bullock.
Over and out