I just got home from Happy hour at a bar by Westfield with the girls, and now I am very tired.
To days plans looked liked this
- Go up 7am and power walk
- Send packet to Sweden
- Visit Battersea doghome
Well the power walk we don't have to mentioned, but I went to Hammersmith and the post office and send a pack home to Sweden on behave of Johanna, then I went to look for some shopping. Specific shoes from New Look and I've now been to Westfield, Hammersmith, 2 on Oxford st, Holborn! No one has them. Think I'm gonna look at some more stores 2mrrw I haven't been to.
Went to Westfield any way were I found a par of Converse, white ones that is high in the ankle.
O yeah I was 2day supposed to go to the animal course office, and I did but couldn't find the actual door or entrance. It was all just normal doors, like ppl lived, and I couldn't be bothered.
I feel now I am so tired my grammar is not correct so gonna have to finish now.

Over and out
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