Monday, 22 February 2010

Xtra Xtra Read all about it

Now I am done with the bathroom, so it's very fresh and clean now (Johanna are you reading this? Was thinking of you the whole time lol).
Now I am trying to prepare for to morrow and plan ahead, and looking what movie we should go and see. I actually never mind what kind of movie, even though I have favorites, I just love to go.
Omg forgot to tell you what happened last time we went.

To make a short story, well short:
It was me, Karolina, Elin and Mahtilda who went, and after a while in comes a bunch of kids who started to jump from seats o seats cause they could not decide where to sit, and they weren't quit and I just thought O no!
But it was still commercial so thought ok fine they can talk, but if they continues under the movie I'm gonna tell the. As I thought they continued and after awhile I asked politely to be quite. They kind of looked at me surprised and kept talking. (Ok so this story is quite log).
They had comments about Everything and Every scene. It pi**ed me of.
I actually made some comments to them whenever they said something.
At the end of the movie Mahtilda eve said "You guys seriously!" and of course they had some answers like "Its the end of the movie, relax hunnie".

When they wanted to leave had my legs up on the seat in front of me and said "What you can't jump?" Haha Love it. She then threw my legs out f he way ad said something, and I, out of reflex kicked her so she fell down, and came back and tried to hit me. I was kind of chocked.
Any who.
They waited outside and when I came out she apparently said "There she is, with the funny shoes". I turned and wave and said "Hello".

And that was kind of it.
Just waned to get that out.

Now I am gonna get ready for our next movie visit. Gonna be prepared this time. Should I bring my boxing gloves?
Haha only joking. I don' have boxing gloves.

Over and out.

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