Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Thank god this day is over, at work i mean. I am finally home and can celebrate by myself. Me an Nikki are gonna watch a movie and drinking wine.
There was a girl at work tho, Claire, who had bought me a cake =) and light the candles and sang for me. I was so moved and surprised. That is the true gift I think. Not a actuall thing, but just the thought and a wish goes a long way. Cliche? Yes! True? O yes! That really makes me smile and makes my day.
Gonna celebrate a bit more this weekend!
Thank you everybody for wishing me happy birthday on facebook and thru the phone.
Talk latha
Over and out
There was a girl at work tho, Claire, who had bought me a cake =) and light the candles and sang for me. I was so moved and surprised. That is the true gift I think. Not a actuall thing, but just the thought and a wish goes a long way. Cliche? Yes! True? O yes! That really makes me smile and makes my day.
Gonna celebrate a bit more this weekend!
Thank you everybody for wishing me happy birthday on facebook and thru the phone.
Talk latha
Over and out
Getting ready to head to work. Yes I am actually working today =/ Something I regret now...
But omg this morning. Johanna, Nikki and Nina came to me at abt 7.30am and sang outside my door. How sweet wasn't that? I was so surprised.
Nina said she couldn't meet till the weekend, mhm yeah right, and did not expect this from the others. I mean I don't usually expect things cause when you do, that's when it goes wrong and not what you have planned. So I was very shocked and moved.
I got a package from my family in Sweden with lots of small stuff! Thank you!
Nina gave me 2 of her fishes.....! Haha. Yes that's right. I'm quite nervous and now have this big responsibility. But Thank you!
Got a lot of wishes on Facebook as well, thank you all so much for your thoughts!
Now I have to get going.
But Happy Birthday to me and speak tonight.
Over and out
But omg this morning. Johanna, Nikki and Nina came to me at abt 7.30am and sang outside my door. How sweet wasn't that? I was so surprised.
Nina said she couldn't meet till the weekend, mhm yeah right, and did not expect this from the others. I mean I don't usually expect things cause when you do, that's when it goes wrong and not what you have planned. So I was very shocked and moved.
I got a package from my family in Sweden with lots of small stuff! Thank you!
Nina gave me 2 of her fishes.....! Haha. Yes that's right. I'm quite nervous and now have this big responsibility. But Thank you!
Got a lot of wishes on Facebook as well, thank you all so much for your thoughts!
Now I have to get going.
But Happy Birthday to me and speak tonight.
Over and out
Happy Birthday!
Scary, or just very cuuuute? (and not that I am actually uploading a birthday video to myself, but meant the video itself)
Monday, 26 April 2010
It's amazing how one little moment can change your mood so fast.
The worst is when you feel happy one sec and very low and sad the next. That is how I feel now. I was feeling fine but something snapped. I just wanna curl up and cry when I feel like this, don't know where to go....
I feel blue
Sunday, 25 April 2010
This just in!
Good afternoon my fellow citizens!
Been sleeping all day =( Hate that, specially on a Sunday and it's the last day of the weekend.
Went out for a drink with a friend last night, was nice but I still had a terrible cough so had to call it a early night.
Btw, something happened this weekend, and I am not gonna tell you what, that really surprised me that I thought I would never do......... any way.
Now I am just in bed watching YouTube, and talking to Johanna on the phone.
Have to go and buy some food eventually. Boring!
Hehe I am doing some singing recording as well, kind of funny to hear what you sound like. I have tons of different songs I've recorded on my computer and I be damned if anyone gets their hands on it lol.
Talk latha
Over and out
P.s I am strong and I don't need anyone, it's just nice. D.s
Been sleeping all day =( Hate that, specially on a Sunday and it's the last day of the weekend.
Went out for a drink with a friend last night, was nice but I still had a terrible cough so had to call it a early night.
Btw, something happened this weekend, and I am not gonna tell you what, that really surprised me that I thought I would never do......... any way.
Now I am just in bed watching YouTube, and talking to Johanna on the phone.
Have to go and buy some food eventually. Boring!
Hehe I am doing some singing recording as well, kind of funny to hear what you sound like. I have tons of different songs I've recorded on my computer and I be damned if anyone gets their hands on it lol.
Talk latha
Over and out
P.s I am strong and I don't need anyone, it's just nice. D.s
Thursday, 22 April 2010
What to call this one?
I haven't touched the computer today until now. Me and Johanna has just been laying in the sun all day, was so nice. No winds this time =) and got some tan I think. Had a bas from the sunbeds, so I'm all set.
Well this morning I felt as I deserved, as we say in Sweden.
We went out last night, and it was a good night. I drank to much tho, but was good.
On the way home we stooped for some bagels, mm love that stuff when you're drunk lol.
I fell asleep with my clothes and make-up on. I was sooo tired.
Johanna and I am going to make some pancakes now, mm haven't had that in a long time.
Thank god it's Friday tomorrow and that I have only worked 2 days this week.
Very short post today I see now. Very short written.
Any way.
Stay tuned for pictures from last night.
Over and out
Well this morning I felt as I deserved, as we say in Sweden.
We went out last night, and it was a good night. I drank to much tho, but was good.
On the way home we stooped for some bagels, mm love that stuff when you're drunk lol.
I fell asleep with my clothes and make-up on. I was sooo tired.
Johanna and I am going to make some pancakes now, mm haven't had that in a long time.
Thank god it's Friday tomorrow and that I have only worked 2 days this week.
Very short post today I see now. Very short written.
Any way.
Stay tuned for pictures from last night.
Over and out
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Me and Johanna went to Hyde park this morning to get some natural sunlight, it is very nice weather today but it was quite cold winds so we were really cold most of the time. Layed for a while till my bladder hit me and we went home, were we continued to lay in the sun in our out backyard.
So last night was amazing. The artist name is Ebi-Sedam Kardi, and is one of the (if not the one) mainly singers in Iran.
Love that kind of music, it makes you so happy hearing it. It's all about dance and having fun.
We were sitting on one of the balconies , or box as they said, and had a great view. Afterwards we got backstage to the after show and meet him. We met him before and he is so sweet and nice, and kind of funny.
A small incident happened so we had to go home earlier then planned, unfortunately.
But guess it was nice with a early night, which made us enjoy this day.
The whole event was for charity supporting MS.
Johanna didn't want me to put any pictures on her, so it's gonna be ego ones on me instead, lol.
Think we are going out tonight, well I hope so since I didn't Monday or yesterday.
Happy happy
Time to go in
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Guess what! It's a good morning, not afternoon, but morning to you all, lol. Glad we cleared that one out.
I am off from today till Friday, and funnily enough it was because Johanna's brother and friend were gonna come for 3 days and go to a concert their friend's father is singing in tonight, now since the volcano thing on Island, her brother and friend can't come =(
We are still going at 7 tonight.
Now I have to hit the streets (and get some pocket money lol) and do some errands for tonight.
Talk latha
Over and out
I am off from today till Friday, and funnily enough it was because Johanna's brother and friend were gonna come for 3 days and go to a concert their friend's father is singing in tonight, now since the volcano thing on Island, her brother and friend can't come =(
We are still going at 7 tonight.
Now I have to hit the streets (and get some pocket money lol) and do some errands for tonight.
Talk latha
Over and out
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Never a good morning, but a good afternoon to you. Which means I can never be able to post something before 12am/pm! lol

Just talked to my mum on the phone.
Yesterday felt like I spent the whole day outside, which is a good thing no?
Went to the bank, the pet shop in Notting hill where they were really nice about it, so we'll see
Walked down Portbello rd to get to American Apparel. O man, Portobello on a sunny weekend I don't know. Took forever to get down. Would have been nice if you were with friends and could enjoy a bit more, but I just had a goal, lol. I found my dress tho. Looks kind of simple when it's not on you, but very elegant on. I found this antique broach at the market as well. Will show you a picture with the dress in action =)
I actually bought some homemade fudge. The woman shouted out "Free sample!" I was like "Free?" lol. Ended with I bought one with maltezers in it (had very unusual stuff inside) and one with vanilla and strawberry, mmm.
I walked from Notting hill to Hyde Park to meet Johanna after her work. Sat in the park awhile and ate some crisps, grapes, chocolate and drank some juice. Was very nice outside yesterday, and as I can see same today.
Gonna try and make it to this animal art fair exhibition I wanted to see.

So gonna love ya and leave ya.
Over and out
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Make the town red
Good evening!
Had my breakfast and made myself ready to hit the town this beautiful hopefully warm day.
First I am heading to the bank, need to cash out all the money I have in their. I have to much to handle they say =P
Then I am heading to this pet shop I would love to work in.
Have to find an outfit for next week as well, so heading to Notting hill and portobello.
This week, either today or tomorrow, I would like to go to this animal art fair that is being held in Fulham. It is a exhibition with animal paintings and art. Saw the ad in Metro. Anything to do with animals, I'm there!
Just had a serious talk with Nikki, as I was not in the best of moods from yesterday, but she had nothing to do with it.
Talk latha
Had my breakfast and made myself ready to hit the town this beautiful hopefully warm day.
First I am heading to the bank, need to cash out all the money I have in their. I have to much to handle they say =P
Then I am heading to this pet shop I would love to work in.
Have to find an outfit for next week as well, so heading to Notting hill and portobello.
This week, either today or tomorrow, I would like to go to this animal art fair that is being held in Fulham. It is a exhibition with animal paintings and art. Saw the ad in Metro. Anything to do with animals, I'm there!
Just had a serious talk with Nikki, as I was not in the best of moods from yesterday, but she had nothing to do with it.
Talk latha
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Pi$$ing me of
Just have something to share.
This usually happens, specially at work, and happened again the other day, what ever..
Do yo know how rude it is to bang, knock whatever and just hurry up a person who is sitting on the toilet?
You do not rush someone who is trying to do their business in their alone time, what ever that might be. Like me, I have a sensitive stomach that need to digest, and I need my time in the bathroom sometimes. It is very stressful when someone is knocking and shouting (yes shouting) to hurry up and wondering when you will be finished.
Sometimes, funny enough, I have just started my visit and just closed the door when someone right away needs to get in. It is beoynd me how rude that is.
Jesus Christ, wait your Effing turn!
Thank you for listening.

Comment whatever, just comment!!
What is up?
Hi Lauren if you're reading this lol. Nice seeing you today.
Got home a while ago. Think I'm gonna hit the bed soon. Might as well.
Finished early today, so went and looked for a dress that I will be needing for next week for a special occasion =) Did not find any today, but gonna look this weekend. I want a boob tube, either simple black with a nice broach and style it up, or a mint/turquoise, but would prefer to have very dark hair then. Should I colour it? We'll see.
Then I went and got some sunbed. Went for 12 min today, and man did I feel the different.
I got so hot, and it looked like I just had hit he gym cause I was so red in my face. I'm ok!
Got home and ate all my cookies I bought the other day. I can't help it ok?
Just had some salad mix as well, mmm.
Have to shower now, I smell burned lol.
Love it!
This is what I want. Can I pull it of? lol
Over and out
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Monday, 12 April 2010
These are my desires right now:

A Gold Rolex watch is something I wanted for years actually. It does not need to be an original, I just love the look and design.
I like the vintage look.

I think I am in need of a new phone. I have an old Samsung since I lost my Blackberry I had for a while, but I am not a part of the Blackberry hysteria that is going on. I want something new and cool, and at the same time a phone not many has.
The Nokia N97 Mini I only know 2 people who got. I love the design on this one with its keyboard.
Just got home, and am now watching YouTube clips and have been eating pizza with avocado, chocolate yogurt and cookies, hehe. I'm sick so I'm allowed =)
I went first to my bank where I live but the que was to long so went to Hammersmith's one, did some shopping for some basic tops and then a sunbed session, got rid of my nails as well.
Did some food shopping and now I'm here.
Just remembered to call back to work and say I'm coming tomorrow, damn!
Achoo! Bless me, thank you!
Talking to Nikki right now on the phone.
Still headache!
Talk latha
I went first to my bank where I live but the que was to long so went to Hammersmith's one, did some shopping for some basic tops and then a sunbed session, got rid of my nails as well.
Did some food shopping and now I'm here.
Just remembered to call back to work and say I'm coming tomorrow, damn!
Achoo! Bless me, thank you!
Talking to Nikki right now on the phone.
Still headache!
Talk latha
I'm sick! *Cough Cough*
Hey, before posting any other post, I just needed to get the previous one out of my chest. Pay attention please!
Now, as I said last night, if I would feel how I did yesterday or worse I would call in sick, and now I have.
I had a minor headache last night that turned worse to wear this morning.
I went up at 7.15am so I was a bit late, and tried to get dressed, but could not do any fast moves cause my head was banging. I just thought "I can not do this!", so I called to work.
So back to bed with a pillow on my head and rested till around 11am, felt a bit better but still have this cold. Gonna try and take it easy today, even tough I have stuff to do.
(Haha what can that possible be when I'm supposed to be at work?)
I have to go to the bank, which I did not do during the weekend of course, take my nails of which I did not do during the weekend of course, continue my sunbed session which I did not do duri..... o yeah I did do that, and do some shopping. Haha sick day for me? (Hope to God You don't read this), but I did not call in sick for nothing.
Pics from the BBQ is coming up aswell =)
Talk latha
Now, as I said last night, if I would feel how I did yesterday or worse I would call in sick, and now I have.
I had a minor headache last night that turned worse to wear this morning.
I went up at 7.15am so I was a bit late, and tried to get dressed, but could not do any fast moves cause my head was banging. I just thought "I can not do this!", so I called to work.
So back to bed with a pillow on my head and rested till around 11am, felt a bit better but still have this cold. Gonna try and take it easy today, even tough I have stuff to do.
(Haha what can that possible be when I'm supposed to be at work?)
I have to go to the bank, which I did not do during the weekend of course, take my nails of which I did not do during the weekend of course, continue my sunbed session which I did not do duri..... o yeah I did do that, and do some shopping. Haha sick day for me? (Hope to God You don't read this), but I did not call in sick for nothing.
Pics from the BBQ is coming up aswell =)
Talk latha
This is my life!
Go in and donate and help with what you can, or just pay a couple of minutes to visit:
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Taking a break from the BBQ, not much left on it anyway. It was freezing out there towards the night. We started pretty late i know, but what ever.
I have a headache and barely any voice left. Maybe I have to call in sick =) well if I sound like this I do hehe.
My hair stinks of grill and cigarette smoke, hate it.
Wanna go to bed now, as I'm starting early tomorrow.
Night night xx
I have a headache and barely any voice left. Maybe I have to call in sick =) well if I sound like this I do hehe.
My hair stinks of grill and cigarette smoke, hate it.
Wanna go to bed now, as I'm starting early tomorrow.
Night night xx
Gonna have a impulsive BBQ now.
Me, Johanna, Nikki and some of them friends, and since I don't have any, none of mine, lol.
Speak latah, or write latha since I have almost lost my voice. Doesn't sound pretty anyway.
Over and out
Me, Johanna, Nikki and some of them friends, and since I don't have any, none of mine, lol.
Speak latah, or write latha since I have almost lost my voice. Doesn't sound pretty anyway.
Over and out
Good afternoon my fellow citizens out there!
Me and Johanna tried to do some sunbathing outside in our backyard. It went so and so. Think it's to early on the year for the sun to actually come out and stand right with the shadow, if you know what i mean? lol.
If it was no wind it was perfect, but very chilly when there was a breeze. Well well, i took a sunbed session yesterday anyway for 9 min that I will continue with tomorrow after work. Can't really see much yet.
I spend most day yesterday with Nikki in Hammersmith where she bought the store Tk Max (or how to spell it), i bought panties from Primark, lol.
At midnight we went to the cinema and saw Shelter. Think it was a very scary movie, about hell, Satan, and some sort of curse thing. Starring Julanne More and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. hey are brilliant.
Went to bed at about 3am, and spend the night in Nikki's bed, hehe.

Have to go and sort out my nails to day, can't have them like this an other day.
Over and out
Me and Johanna tried to do some sunbathing outside in our backyard. It went so and so. Think it's to early on the year for the sun to actually come out and stand right with the shadow, if you know what i mean? lol.
If it was no wind it was perfect, but very chilly when there was a breeze. Well well, i took a sunbed session yesterday anyway for 9 min that I will continue with tomorrow after work. Can't really see much yet.
I spend most day yesterday with Nikki in Hammersmith where she bought the store Tk Max (or how to spell it), i bought panties from Primark, lol.
At midnight we went to the cinema and saw Shelter. Think it was a very scary movie, about hell, Satan, and some sort of curse thing. Starring Julanne More and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. hey are brilliant.
Went to bed at about 3am, and spend the night in Nikki's bed, hehe.

Have to go and sort out my nails to day, can't have them like this an other day.
Over and out
Saturday, 10 April 2010
It really smells like spring/summer outside. It's funny how you can smell a scent that reminds you of a warmer time. You can feel and taste the warm breeze. Love it!
I do have a headache though, just think I need some fresh air. Plenty to go around, lol.
I am right now looking for some tanning shops, but no one wants to tell the price. Getting a tan in this city is ridiculously expensive. Some charge £1/min! Whats that about?
I am in seriously need of a tan, as I have rubbed of all of my previously fake tan.
I have not used sunbed since I lived in Sweden, so maybe 2-3 years, and my skin have not seen the sunlight since our Marbella trip last August. I've become really against sunbeds, but lately I am consider it. It is a difference when people using it constantly year around, and people who just have a couple of sessions when they feel pale. I just want to get a bit started for the summer, to have a nice base.

To much? Naw!
Friday, 9 April 2010
Did you miss me?
Just got back from work, was a looong day. Hate finish this late, but I'm so glad it's Friday.
I've become a bit sick though. Have a minor cold and soar throat. Keep sneezing and something is tingly in my nose, lol. But that wont stop me from enjoying this weekend. It better be good weather!
What else...?
Might have a early night, or as early as I can, which would mean soon, lol
Over and out
Just got back from work, was a looong day. Hate finish this late, but I'm so glad it's Friday.
I've become a bit sick though. Have a minor cold and soar throat. Keep sneezing and something is tingly in my nose, lol. But that wont stop me from enjoying this weekend. It better be good weather!
What else...?
Might have a early night, or as early as I can, which would mean soon, lol
Over and out
Morning peeps!
Just been eating breakfast,blow dried my hair and put make-up on, and have now a bit of time before I have to go to work =( Don't want to... well well.
Just been eating breakfast,blow dried my hair and put make-up on, and have now a bit of time before I have to go to work =( Don't want to... well well.
It is very hot an sunny outside =) Love that. But o course I have to be inside all day an work. Ok, enough of the pity thoughts.
They say it's gonna be good weather this weekend so I am definitely gonna enjoy it.
This weekend I am gonna run around town, look for a job, start study on session nr 2: dogs,
buy stuff for my room antique style, maybe go to sunbed actually.... we'll see.
Talk latha
Over and out
Thursday, 8 April 2010
To day I did not feel good at all. Even if it was my fist day back at work after almost a week. I felt ugly, unfresh, unmotivated, not tired so I wanted to sleep, just tired mentally and in body.
Feel I really had enough of this place. Have to get out of there before it will kill me. I am just so drained and feel suffocated, almost had a panic attack to day and almost started crying. Have these days sometimes. But believe you me, I am trying to get out.
Most staff there are part timers and are only there for 2-3 days a week, 4-6h a day. I am and have been there every single day all day, 9h! I am tired!
Any way, moving on.
Give me 1 sec, have to go out with Nikki and meet her friend. Apparently she can't manage alone. But that's why I am here lol.
Starting late tomorrow, so will get a long night and a bit of a sleep in. Thank god it's Friday tomorrow.

Feel I really had enough of this place. Have to get out of there before it will kill me. I am just so drained and feel suffocated, almost had a panic attack to day and almost started crying. Have these days sometimes. But believe you me, I am trying to get out.
Most staff there are part timers and are only there for 2-3 days a week, 4-6h a day. I am and have been there every single day all day, 9h! I am tired!
Any way, moving on.
Ok, that was 1 unnecessary sec.
Starting late tomorrow, so will get a long night and a bit of a sleep in. Thank god it's Friday tomorrow.

Over and out
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
So, the parents have now left the building. I feel a bit (or a lot) sad and low. Hate the min they have to leave and the time before when you just wait. I know I will feel better tomorrow and after a couple of days. It just felt secure and a comfort having them here. I miss them!
Whats not comforting is that I am going back to work tomorrow. I only work for two days though, and then it's weekend =)
Whats been happening then?
Sunday we.......
o my god, been trying for a while now to figure out what we did in the morning!
O yeah, I've already told you about Sunday. Silly me.

I decided to skip their tour on Tuesday to the
Wednesday I had to prepare for them to leave. They did some shopping in the morning and I meet them for this National Gallery exhibition, historic paintings. Very interesting actually.
We walked around town trying to decide what to do, till they actually had to leave =(
Now I'm in bed, and have to get some sleep since I start early tomorrow.
Talk latah.
Over and out
Whats not comforting is that I am going back to work tomorrow. I only work for two days though, and then it's weekend =)
Whats been happening then?
Sunday we.......
o my god, been trying for a while now to figure out what we did in the morning!
O yeah, I've already told you about Sunday. Silly me.
So over to Monday... ehm... yes, I skipped going out Sunday cause I wanted to come with them to Windsor castle. I have this new thing for old royalties and antique stuff. We had to take a train from Paddington so it was a bit far out. My memory really sucks, cause I can't remember what we did next...
We separated later on anyway, and meet up again later that night to just walk the London street and then headed to their hotel room and ate some bread and cheese mmm.
I then at around 11-12pm headed home.

I decided to skip their tour on Tuesday to the
barriers at the Thames, so I could sleep a bit. I meet up with them and we headed to pdsa cemetery with all these animals from the war, who played a hero part.
It was a great day, sunny and mild.
Since it was my mum's birthday we headed to a very good Thai restaurant just where I live. It was very delicious food and not expensive. I have to go there again, with or without you lol.

Wednesday I had to prepare for them to leave. They did some shopping in the morning and I meet them for this National Gallery exhibition, historic paintings. Very interesting actually.
We ate at Pret a manger, where I think they do the best sandwiches.

We walked around town trying to decide what to do, till they actually had to leave =(
Now I'm in bed, and have to get some sleep since I start early tomorrow.
Talk latah.
Over and out
Monday, 5 April 2010
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Hey, so I've spent 2 days with my parents so far, therefor the bad update.

I met up with them on Friday when we didn't have any spec plans, but it was such bad weather and rainy and cold, so we went to a Tex Mex restaurant and ate. Very nice.

Then... can't remember. Think we went to their hotel room and chilled.
Saturday we went for some shopping around Earls court where they live. Then we headed to the boat race that was held somewhere at the Themes. Quite interesting to see. We then took a walk to Bloomsbury, or what it's called, around the houses. Was really cold. Walked all the way to Oxford st where I took the bus home, was getting pretty late.
I had to finish my first session of my course, which I did. Now I just have to wait a couple of days for the result. Very exited and nervous

Today, I met them pretty early cause we had tickets for this Albert and Victoria show nearby Victoria station. I find old Royalties interesting, if they have a special history. Like these, a true Love story.
We then went to the Battersea Dog and cat house (been there before with Nikki). Walked all the way to Vauxhall tube station. Was quite far, but as long as I am not to cold or ave the burst to pee, I like to walk. Was nice in the sun though.

We ate in Baker street Pizza express, very nice and good. An other walk down to Oxford st and through Hyde park, where we separated. They had plans to go to Windsor castle, where the Royal family spends their summer (I think), and since I planned on going out this evening, i thought I would skip tomorrow cause I would be to tired and hungover lol. But now the plans have changed and I am going wit them tomorrow. I really wanted to.
To tired to write anything else now, therefor the bad writing.
Talk latha.
Over and out
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