Sunday, 25 April 2010

This just in!

Good afternoon my fellow citizens!
Been sleeping all day =( Hate that, specially on a Sunday and it's the last day of the weekend.

Went out for a drink with a friend last night, was nice but I still had a terrible cough so had to call it a early night.
Btw, something happened this weekend, and I am not gonna tell you what, that really surprised me that I thought I would never do......... any way.

Now I am just in bed watching YouTube, and talking to Johanna on the phone.
Have to go and buy some food eventually. Boring!

Hehe I am doing some singing recording as well, kind of funny to hear what you sound like. I have tons of different songs I've recorded on my computer and I be damned if anyone gets their hands on it lol.

Talk latha

Over and out

P.s I am strong and I don't need anyone, it's just nice. D.s

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