Me and Johanna tried to do some sunbathing outside in our backyard. It went so and so. Think it's to early on the year for the sun to actually come out and stand right with the shadow, if you know what i mean? lol.
If it was no wind it was perfect, but very chilly when there was a breeze. Well well, i took a sunbed session yesterday anyway for 9 min that I will continue with tomorrow after work. Can't really see much yet.
I spend most day yesterday with Nikki in Hammersmith where she bought the store Tk Max (or how to spell it), i bought panties from Primark, lol.
At midnight we went to the cinema and saw Shelter. Think it was a very scary movie, about hell, Satan, and some sort of curse thing. Starring Julanne More and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. hey are brilliant.
Went to bed at about 3am, and spend the night in Nikki's bed, hehe.

Have to go and sort out my nails to day, can't have them like this an other day.
Over and out
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